Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 5 [ADVERTISEMENT]

QONSALTES A!lmiT» Ke«p« on R*nd » of tbe V(rj Best Pioneer Soap IaC»*e» of n. «L 5% wl T» 5 THIS SOAP 15 THE Fmest īsported Bexs. (8PECIAL PRICES FOR 5 CAS13 1>’ LOTS. M AKSLEY I m Ceiebrated Branda of SC0TCH WH18KEĪ .V atntly: BEN ALD0CHLA.\. Ainsley’s 0LD Blended Glenlivet GLE ,NI0N Extra, Spec 6LENLI0N' SPEC1AL LIOUEUK SC0TCH WhISkEV. br» THE COMMERCIAL 5ALOON Harry Klemme, Manager Cor. Nauanu «fe Beretania sts. Honolulu, H. 1. Tbe Only Sportmg Honse iu Towu. O. 1-*. S. a Specialitv. LOHENOKIN LAGKR BEEB Always on Dranght. 2 GLASSES FOR 25 CENTS. BeSt of Wines, Liquors, and Ci£ars, ALWAYS ON HAND. jul tf C1TY DRAVAGE C0. Stand: Queen and Fort 3treet-*. Wbite and Black Sand. Draying Done at ReasonalIe Uate--W. F. 8IIARRETT, Muuou. 3r»; Wanted. TWO UnfurnisboJ Houaea of 6to 8 ROOMS eacb. Enquiro of /03 Fort Streef. oc!0 MEDEIR()S \ Co. Merchant Tailor* . Amenean, £cglish am! Scotch Tweeds on tmn<l. Fire«-ci i--work gnnnsteed. Hotel 8t., nnder2Aiiingtoa UoteI B Honoiulū. DS. D. CK£K mon. HoYen Kee Tinsmiths and A Dealers Crockery, G/Assware, - WAT1H PIPK3 LATD asd PLL % mUTLT *JDKCUTEn St, b«tween »nJ 1L ******