Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 November 1894 — Figures Talk. [ARTICLE]

Figures Talk.

The jJqh o) tfie Gover»mmt a ntu \mproitmenl» i> a* eompleU ae pTf*eni ‘eT)>endituree uill admU and i* /ar in adrance of any0iing ever done under the monarehy, nlthongh raany lftnu*ands of dollar » v:tre hitnnially appropriuted and 8U}i)u)*eJ to have been epeni for tncrea* i nq \he vater *uj'}dy o) Honolulu. ls** thnn tvco year$ o) Re puUiean Good, haie hro*ght Ihe hrqinning of the enti in $ight. Such is the wiuil up ‘of an etlitorial in the Star of the 7th inst«nt. In gpite of repeuted warnings, the Stnr clique still continnes its contemptib!e insinuations against the _Monarchy. It is time that such despicable Jourualism was sat on ond shut up at onee. Ihi» contmn.il throwing ont uf slurs on anv paltry excuse |is needless. Js the j>ersonnel of the j»resent goverumcut com|>osed of those who aro inore honest or more virtuous thau their predecessora? Caii they hoUl up their,h:inds and say “we havo never sinned?“ Ih it not Uue, thal the commitmcnt of!adultery and fornicatirms, opium stunggling, dishonest, the mosl wasteful and extravagiut use of the puhlie funds is now coiomitted? \et this is a republicau form of governraent. Wero uot noarly all of the patriots of the last revoiution and therefore supporters of the present form of government, resid ing on thcse islands under the monarcby? Thorofore, aa the only governnicnt heretoforo, cxisting in thcse islands has been that of a raonarchioul fonu, is tho monarchy to be held respousible for the following incidents, accidents, nud occurrences? For the birth iu these islnnds of a member of those j)atriots? For tho ncts of fornicatiou, adulterv, and other ill-behavior indulged in and coramitted by some of those palriots. For tho ill-behavior of some of tho wivos and farailies of those patriotsT Kor the actions of the pntriot’s j>arty cabiucts? Foi tho frauduleut actions of Legislative members of tho patriot’s party? Let the Star clique answor those questions before it again publishes any cf its uefariuis iusinuntioQS. Tbo proposed new improvemonts may be complete and far iu advauce of any previous j>laus (whieh yet remains to be seen) what if they nre, is that a reason for the sluringly' dragging in the name of Monarchy? WhenThorston was minister of tho lnterior from 1387 to 1890 he bad an appropriation at hia disj>osal for uso of th« water works. what did he do with it? The Legislature of 1892 appropriatcd a large «mouni for the bureau of Water Works. Wby is it that nothing has been done in (that direction nntil now J What was *the unexjH»nded balauce of 174,000 nsed for? Wby did it beoome ,necessary for this Jgovernment to reappropritte a snm with whieh to oarry on tbeir j)lans? *'Tbe beginning of,the end is in sighi," is good, eepecially so, as tbe beginning of tbo commoncem«ut is not yet in sight. Answer tbe abcve ' you Star elique. Tfae f«et tfaat tfae receipts at tbe Treasury fell lfo25,d95 short . of the amouut of «ppropriated 1 expenditures for tfae last two |j years, was no exouse for this 1 government not to kare paid at- i tention to tfae uatter of water * supply before now. * 8ome ose- \ less expenditures could and ' sfaould faave been dispensed witfa. | But of conrse tbis is a republi- i ean governmeot < Auvone wiahing to take the Uouhle to iook iinto tfae ngures i of tbe detaiied Jstatement of the i reeeipts and expenditures ol the < Hawuiian Treasnry for the bi«n- . nial p«riod ending M«rch 31, ] 1894, will notice tfaat tbere is an ( omiMiion or ditcrepancy in ihe fig- i

- nres in ibe eolumn for tfae amonni of appropn«tions. A comp«ri«o>i witfa tbe Appropriation Bill os countersigned by Geo. N. Wilcox ! Minister of tbe Interi >r ia 1892, sbows the amount in the publislied st.tement to be $437,376 ’e*s tban that in the appropriation bill. Taking tfae figores in ffae publisfaed 8tateraent as a basis, it will be seeu tbat tbe expendi‘ tures exceed the amouui of tfae appropri»tioQ8 by $39.809, and tfae receipts were $88 218 less thnn the amount appropriate<L Take tfae figures of the appropri ation bill, the oxj)enditures would be $397.568 lessaudthe receipts $525 595 le«s, than the amoont appropriated. In the water works appropnation, tbe pnbhshed stdtemeut sbows au unexj)ended halanee of $11 326, whereas in re<ility there is an unexj)ended ba!ance of $74 077. Con>e Star clique. let the tax payers knnw whieh figures are correct, and in future bear iu mind the motto, “Those who live in glass houses sbould uot be the first to throw stoues ” Perhaps for the benefit of the tax payer, it may be as well to publish a comparative table, the Star cbque will also be plea<ed to see it uo doubt. In “mis cellaueous” item in section 2is ■ included two |items for tfao use of tfae Buroau of Water Works j amonnting to $62.750, whieh do ; not apj)ear in tlie detailed stateraent Let the Stnr clique now take fair warniug, aud in future drop its contemptible slurs against tfae monarcfay. from publish from the *pc<l !.tatt'm2m propriatiou of Aprll i 1,111 of sy_* io I U»>. Civii Li»t t 62,!w Permanent Scttlenient* 5.40U 5,tiu Lcgislaturt and Privy Councll 35.450 S'>.t5t) Jndiciarv Dept. I7S.(525.L’I 179,125.21 Dcpt. of Foreigu Aff*ir» I0S,S2I. 94 17Nftn <9 Kinanee Dept. 547,840.81 .i77.s4u.si Po»tal Bureau 158,300,60 10,654 Uurcau of Costums 101.188.67 9i.79S.67 Atlorncy GeneraK» Dept. 453.473.40 tuO.26P.21 Bureauof Pulillealion Instruction 234,033 ;w,7S4 lntcrior Dept. 39,734 ss.i0t.47 Bureauof 8urvcy 38,501.47 t6,t>.M •* Convcyance* 16,494 11,700 “ lmmigration 11,700 41.954.98 “ WaterWorks 44,904.98 157J»4.44 “ PublicWork» 150,964.44 ,T3i>.800 77 Bo«rd of Heallli 337.300.77 21T2»7.6 3 Miaeellaneou» 346,723.30 11,430.30 831,353 68 8bction 1 Interlor Dej»l. *J0S,61I.T0 t(W66.jO Mlaeellaneou* 251,816.50 :t,778.VA40 ».{,:44I,18188 3,778^8.40 Sf«cial Acts P. G. lioapUal Tax Fund 7,43I.T7 7,241.77 Koad» and Bridge« Honolulu 85 000 a.i f iWu Espense Lcgi»l*ture, IH03 7 000 7,000 E\pen»e piaciug loan Jan. II. ‘93 35 000 35.000 Oen'l expen»e P. O. 350 000 250 000 13.675,433 4.112,80.1.17