Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 46, 10 November 1894 — LOCAL NOTES. [ARTICLE]


j Wl»o beld the r»t * ■■ CiDdereila at 2 o’eloek. * « ~~~ Mr. and Mrs, W etmore left in ! tbe Aostralia. |i Tbe Aostralia left at noon. The band was in attendanc«. — The Nolaa party did not leare i! in the Aaatralia. Mr». Gslloway will Iecture on | ! \ iavi this afternoon. : i . fhe CIandino arrived at a moet anearthly hoar this moroing. j lbe China noay eome in to* morrow. fbe soft soap man denies that he is barsted. t Jack and Sam and a Japane.se t girl ! And a divorce witne*s. Have yoa heard about the lat- j! est scandal ? Aloha Hawaii; Ha- { waii Aloha ! i 1 —, ;3 The Theosophical class will j meet on King Street this evenmg. A most elegant dinner was' given last night at the PacifiJ Club in honor of Mr. S. Fujii. / I Tonight a number of pronifu ent.lapane.se will entertaiuplr. i Fujii at Sans Souci. / — / Messrs. Dickey, Cornwekf and Mossman were pa.ssenger3/in the 1 Claudine. j ! * Arrangeraents huve hfen mude for a meeting of race jforses on j Christmas day at Waia,ua. . i -• i Mercury had a transit this i morning. lt is uuderstood that he i get over it assisted Iw a uew song of ex consul Schm^t. Commissioner Muwes was eutertaiued a few njghts ago by tho Gishop of Hoi/lulu and Mrs. Willis, at the lolani College. Nearly all Mio seats for Miss Naunary’8 befefit have been subscribed for. f‘The young actress will hnve a imising honse. I Capt. J o in Good was a passonger in 1the Anstralia. fhe j “army” wnl get along witbout , him. I Harry jK\evamo is contesting tho rean\fs of the election. Mr. Charles Creighton is the attorney of tho contostant. Mrs. Thirds talk abont the “pilgrimage of the sonl” yesterday eveJing. The soul took a walk. I Daikl ’s benefit will be a great sncces/ He will givo a variety show i|Dxt Wodnesday and iuvites his ‘good naturod critic ’ tocorae ' around and 'storm the baru. I Mr. E. B. Thomas returned 1 from the wrcck yesterday- The wreokors are focling very satisfioil and Mr. Thomas will leave for Molokai as »>on as the scnooners are unloadod. r Tbe maiinee tbis afteruoon is one of D*iley’s great successes. A crowded house greete«.l Cinderella and the “kida” were simply wild with delight.

Thrcragh tn anintentional errv>r the accused Darid lewa, on» of the besl officers of i the poliee toroe, ol wife l>eating. The officer"» gnilty o( the ‘ olfonce" a man named Joe Luahiwa. •

Tomorrow Honolulu will get rid of dust and dirt and I-ong Branch Ilaniwai and Beach grore will be crowded by thal part of tbe coromunity who uscs water to swim in aud fo!lows Mr. W. O. Smith’s adrice against drinkiog it