Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

JUST ARRIVED. q BABY • CARRIAGE$ OF ALL STTLiij. » , -? IX THE LATEST PATTERXS. “;HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACH1NES Hand Sewixo MaciuX2s, [V AU With Uw Latrst PAELOK Oraans, Gruitarc. Aai Oth«tr Ma»ic*l Iustniit c • -• m m m'm Wines, Liquois, Beer alwats ox haxd, axd FOR SALE BY ED. HOFFSCHLiEGER £ C0. Kin*j St.. oppo. C±stle A Cooke% 6Piterion. Saloon ! NOTICE is hereby givou, that all claims against tbe Csiteiap3* Saloon t wiil be settled by Jas. F. Morg.m. and all outstantling accounts due the Criteriox Saloox and t!ie jobbing house of L. H. Df.e up to tbe abovo dato, ai'e pavable to Mr. L. If. Dee. AIl bills against L. H. Dee, please preseut immediatoIy for payraent. L. H. DEE. Honolulu, Oct. 3, 1894 oelO 3m ī^aimlulTioteI /Aaui. Si[(q, PROPRIETOR. sept*7--tf dii t cuit doupfi Fipjt Circuit of the Jfawaiiaq I?Iandj IN PKOEAIE. Iu Uie matter of tbe Estate of Hr.\ . ‘ . Mc(.rew T ate of Hooolalu. (>ab;t Ut »-.1, intesUtc. O» Re»diko and FUinir the P<.’ f Alpiio!«8I.nk MoOkew ( ,f San Fran< ., ( 1 •|legingth«t Hknki G. McGke« H died intestatc at Honolnlu, on th<- Jjv t October, A. D. 18IM, and prayinir that Letter» of Administration issue uJ(»iru O. Sk. It 1» ordkked that Fridav t;. ;; . Norember, A. I). Imm a t 10 0M0 L a.n ao'i ht*reby i* ftppoiot«d for h»*a Petition, in thc Court Koom of ti. O Honolulu, at whieh timc and p!a ill er sons concerned mav appear and s> <>w “ an F they havc. why said PeUt« .-. . be gr«nted. Date Uonoluln, H. I. Oct. 24. A. I» -‘ • Br thc Court, Geurge Lf' *-. Clcrk. ocU5Mt 3STOTICi:. I hereby declare my inleulKO to contest aod aek to have d<ciap*d VOID the ELECTION. hel ou the 29th day of October, 1“'JL henry klemme.

A]ineral Waliei 1 .

An inT»ice of the Celebmteti 8HA » T A WATER just rveeired Hrect f: m tU« SpringA in 8ha?t», QUifornia. “8HA8TA” b tbe Min. ral W*t * the world. It is aseJ in rrvrr U*d>“S* bo' *n«l on »11 the r*ilway iliuini' c*r> u> UnileU SUte». ‘•SHASTA“ b the Qnecn ofa!l ta!. le w»*e~; blends perfectiy with b<inor ot all kia<i«. m • n»tnral relief for «U dbonJ-"t »tonuch, khineyi and lirer For «lei br *I1 3RUGGI»T8 *nJ th* trade oe>*ekallt Macfariane & Co. Ltd.. 8o!e Agent» for the Haw*i ; an W**J* MAOHINE MADE =€1 POI!i FACTOBY, ; : KAUHL Two Planla, Fresh Tops »nd Taro at all times. Bell 345. W. L. WILCOX, ManagW* Ring Up Mulual Telephone 5<