Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 November 1894 — Page 3 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

7hr liolomua i!alnwUr. NOV. 12,1894. v; Tt " Th Fr Su { La*t Q«ut«r w - Xov5 ‘ 3 PuUMooo. « 7i 8 ) 1« “ ,a I * ” ,—“ — — Fmt Q»uner. ,, ,<» 13 1« 15 1« 17 "19 S>* Moon. 22 23 24 -57 1 15 19 30 5M nc 2f> 2 1 29 30 M P««T. um VWKJ». H B M S Hr»risith. Mj»t. &qaīiaanlt, B C. ‘ Vretich wanihip Dngu»T-Troaiii, C«D*o. «nnumie. (-■ s. S. Ai»trali*. HowOeUe, S F. jik Āin «u. Brovm, X 8 W. H»« l k Manna AU Xevrc»«i». ;-kt hi;k!t*t . .P: T«»irn«od. \ »rh Aline C«r*k... Pt Tovrnwn<l , > - (...x|ron>. La»i>an I*. pj, >.. t » S*>>» ForMt, MrIn«K-«*, X«-wc**»le. . v-. ■ ktne S N Cn»tle, llahhnpi, S, P. t*k All« rt, (>ri(Bth«. S, F. - \»t.Uuui. Knu:. Kohe. l' , »rhr Km. Htite»r<J. F,urrk», |’ORtl|.S VtVtriV EXPC< TED. » , -hr Pn rit*n.,. .S**wra«tle... Nov 30 \ ->-hip <»Univor . Xew«’a*tle...XoT 30 l,k Pnnl I>senbeiH. .Bren»en,... J)ec 10 H FGl»<lc LiTerpool....J»n 30 F<iRi:iii.v nail stRVirr. Sieamehij>* will leave for and arr've r .iin San Franci»co »nd other (oreign ,. n*. on or about the {ollowīng dates, lil! the eloee of 1894. | I,nvr. novoi.rLr Dns at Honolclc roR Sa> Franchwo. Fm. 8as Frascwco ok Vascocver. om Vascocver. Mioweni Nov 3 An»tmlin Sot. 3 An«tr»li» ...Not. IOChina Nov 12 Manpo*». Not. 15 Al»meci»..., Not. 22 D*>*»mc Nov IwMiowem Nov 24 ( Anw» De«. 1 Au»tmlia Doc. 1 •■>... ,. Dec. «Oeeanie Dec 11 I Mni wai Dec. 13 Maiipou Dec. 20 ! ( Mic>wera.... Dec. 31 Amw» Dec. 24 | Chin» Dec 31 Au«trali». ...Dec. 29 Tho l’anlheon Saloon is the i>ot for the celebnited Entor1 % | priseBeer, where it ean always be found eool and frt sh on tap. We 1 <3o not deal in <, Fredericksburg Beer” as the morning Paf»er — I thmugh »4ome mistake has advertised. Call at the Pantheon for rc-freshing drink. JIM DODD, Propriotor. * Talk about braying assea. Tho , iown is full of tbexn. McBrayer’s ] whiskey is only to be found at tho Empiro Saloon. And when it’s found it stays. * 1 1 En. Roqna of the Ernpire Saloon ( iias made a new deal whieh will loueh tho hoaris, or at least the palatos of many a thirsty wanderer. Ho keops •‘half-and-half ( on draught aud serves a most deiicious and eool beverage, far »uperior to “plaiu’’ boer. se 17 tf J. J. Williama tho well-knowu Axtistio Photographer is making < a specialty of portraits on Watch \« Dials and Silk Handkerchiofs. i Completo sets of Lantern slides ‘ lecturos oan be had at the gallerj\ I For they are sold at a reasouablo 1 ligure by the dozen or by tbo i 1 buudred. * < Ilaniwai i HatiiHausE The uiidersig£iod having LeasVO | ihe well knewn Bath Hoi sk at Waikiki. begs to infv»rra you, that it will be run as a Strictly First-Class i BATH!NG RES0RT.\ _ Speoial acoomuiodatione for idi» s »nd Children. W, 8. BAKTLETT. Proprietor. p.5. Tram-oars pass the plaee ocS KAMEHAMEHA GIRLS SCHOOL. Tbr «I Kva*h*SB*h* Oiri* Schv>oi »01 opan . Dac. 1911». Appheauoa» <or t->lututuou mM u» nl to Uin Popa *»ther a* K»aM0>aa»«»» Maaual or Mu»R?p*. •• ha h» A* H*w»* uaa Km0«r-gartci> Kooa», U*!l. S»tar0aT *«« Wt wh«* will te pl»inp<4 to aaeo* applw»»**tniboo u Wtt Oollam (f30 > * P**appiic»Qt» rr«ivf>d ander 12 y***a °* •8*Oo*. 11-lOL Employment Bai*eau. A 1NF\»KMAT1UN AND EMP1>JV - - ».rui Btn»t krrn oMoal »t Bay VW, Aala, on King 8tmrt, n«vt (o tho Ou»«»e Tbe»tra. PartM* Ae*inai( tb* *rnem «<«Mpetitera. oooka, p.«i!UtK>B^labor»v^ »appb«J wttb«uod »ad mliahla rw>|>Jo hF wwā«ai tbe liumaa Mawal X wk&om 274. nov 5