Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 47, 12 November 1894 — Page 1 Advertisements Column 6 [ADVERTISEMENT]

HAWAII 8 “ BLUE” LAWS COXSTITUTION aml LAWS Fram«l bv the ,Missionarios % LAWS of the HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Acconlinj to the deeiaioa of the Nohlee. and Reprtr*<'uU* tivw, we have given our a>sont that th« tl>oTO «hoaUl be ineerted in the former Uw, and we have bereunto sub-*crib«d our names on thia 16th dav of May IS42, at Lahaina,- M tui lSigned] Kamehahkha III. K£KACLU0UI. CHAFrER LIV. BURDEXS 0F THE LOWER CLAS3ES * Previons to tbe enactment of the new code of laws on tue subject of taxation. every man was re*juirrd ta pay a poll tax oi'one dol!ar annaally. At the present time. it i« a do!lar for one year and a haif a dollar for the next. Formerly, the t»x of a eommon si*e farn was, 1 Fathom Hwine 40 Kapas 40 Paus 1 Dog 80 Fathoms of tish Ime, and a fish-net S00 meshes in lengtb. Tbis was the Government tax. Xow the whole of thia taxatiou Ls aboliab> d ex< «; t the fathom Hwine, and even tbat is redaced to balf its form«r site every *tbcr year. FormerIy, besidos tbis Gow«mment tax, there waa another tax laid by tbe loeal (>overnon. anotherby the higher landlords, and another etill by tbeir eobor<)inate«. At the preaent time tbere is no ssse«sment exrept fur ihe Government tax. No oth«r tax ran be iai<l. Forraerly. if the Landlori heeame d:asatisti«d. he at onre disposseaaed his tenant cveo witbout cause, and then g»ve bis land to wboma*>eTer aaxe*l for it. At tbe preseot time tbat practics is at an eod, Unds an» beld by a strong tenure; they oannot be *eū»d wiihoul cause. Formerly, a probibition re*te<l even on tbe oeean, that men must not take fish from it At the present the prohibstioo ia removed, so thsl etery man m*t take fish where he pleaae» wi;h very few excep- * tioos. Formerly, tb«re wer« distinct taxes on statei, c-untie*. t ,jwna aod distncU. Now tbere are no eueh Uxs«, they ar« strictly prohibited, Formerly, if tbe King wishe*i £or the prop«rty of any man. be took it witbout rewar*i. «ren seired it by forc« or look a portion on’.y, jost tn action accordaoca with hU ehoiee, and no mao coold refo*e him. The «ame wai une of *vrev ehiel and ev«u ihe landIor ls treated tbeir tenanU thas: At the prc«eot ume eaeh eon Juct is at all ended. No ehie/ whatever has power suficient to do it now. £honld one *tUmpt it, h« wonW iastanilt cca»e to ba a chief on this arohip*U(o. Formerly. if a man b»d a anmbjr of ohildr«n, they wer» n r«ry heaty bardeo on aeeouoi of their mcreasing the a amoant o i hia lax*liou. v -- ; .? - v -., ■ -.' 7 5V