Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 48, 13 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Removal ! 1 — HAVE moved to — I • Morgan’s - Auction - Rooms tor a »hort timc. We »re*tai Departure Bay COAL I CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLIXG WOOD in any qaantltr. Bolh īelephoiiea 414 aa(5 Pioneer Shlrt Factory Ē*TABLISIIED IS57. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor. 5IS Fort St.. nonololn, (UpeUi n) Good Fit COXSOLIPATEP SODA WATER CO. (LrsinTKD.) ESPL A N AD E = Cor. Allen *nd Fort Sta, : t Honoluln IT0LLISTER & C0., Aeenia. The Wh!te House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN !SLANDS \ j4ou^e IX EVERY KESPECT. RoomS( from $1-50 to $3.00 per WeeL or 50c. per DayPAUL LEMKE, PROPRIETOR. Bell Telenhone 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO VMtors, Plenie Partles. Lnans —AND—OENEKAL PUBLIC ! 1 At Sjhth’s Bu3 a.\d Livery Stable, King Street. [Adjoining Metropolitan l eat Market.] ls the Cheapest Plaoe in TodJn yon ean gct Buase8, Wagonetiea, Bnggies and Saddle Horees, It will pay you to eall and aee before yon try elaewhere. Mutaal Telephono 408 angl-tf Eyc., Corncr King and Alakea 9treets. armo s By ĒTerj Sleamcr from San Fraaeiaeo, wlth Fresh Fruii, Oysiers, S3fmon, F > ouitry, Etc. Etc.. Etc., Erc.f a*i)t 6, LEWIS J. LEYEY, Real Estate and Gen Anction^er. Corner Fort and Quecn 8t«et«, Hc Personal attention given to I of Furniture, Real Esta1 8tock and General Merchandise. Mataal Tcl«obone 233. ! NOTICEDoring my ahaenee from conatry after the departore of ‘■Oopanie’ 1 for Chiaa Chin D »ili hsre full charge of my bi nO":g and affairs generally. Wailukn. Sept 2A, 189 Aa Cb WAJSTTi:J>. [ousekeeper or notse bjr ced norae Juat from the 1 leave the Island to nurse. Inqu:re at Inaui EL olompa Ornic£.