Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 November 1894 — LADIES' COLUMN. [ARTICLE]


~ ~ ts aing? not be bījcr iC ' . . -pri«d, Ihew ire <*fUia pnces j 0 thoagh, be!oir wliieh oe- gooi. bocis est aniele eaa be soW—taose are s oar pnces —wh»t »e eall Qaics *' Saks »cd Saoali Profit piieea. Ii roo p*v !ess tou em rest assored tou get iess. Th*:-se are hoo«st -uieL ments that ectHtomieaI bcvers "• know—.4re yoa one of tbem ’ If not, e fbj nOt Cail and see those magninoer.l 1 Cotton Crej es in Evening Shattes. N:ohing hacdsoa:er or better was ever o!f dia this nia rset at our . prices, *‘And thera you are." Go ■ through the Colored and Figored Cotton Dacks. the Ginghaai3, Oxj fords. CaIicos, Co!ored French Oryandies, Black French Lawns, Linen Lawns. piek up whaterer you wi!l and but a momenl'ā in- I spection will convince you that if j you pay leaa you will get less. . If you want to go to the Volcano ' —the one ho’.ding the Iargest number of our eheeke wiil get tbe round trip f« r uothiug. Kemenobers this please. W e are s!ashing the prices this week on WOOLEN ULAN K ETS acd \\ OOLEN SUA\V’LS, makit:g room fur our immenee stock c>f C;IRISTMAS OOOI^. 1 W « waut your trade and \ wiil have it if g»ods m«l prices are an object to you. B. F. EHLERS & C0.