Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 November 1894 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 4 [ADVERTISEMENT]

Removal ! Bsitftet A 0»* — IUVK MOVED TO — Morgan's - Aueiion - Rooms tor • sbori tim<- We are»till *«nh»g Departure Bay OOAL^ CHARCOAL, ALGEROBA and KINDLING WOOD īb *zjt qoaB!ity. Bott Telephon<?* 414 » a * Pioneer Shirt Factory ESTABLISHED 188?. A. M. MELLI8, Proprietor, 515 Fort SU. Honolela, (Up»Uirs> Good FLt j COJ»SOLIDATED SODA WATEK CO. (LnirrrKD.) ESPLANADE: Cor. Allen «nd Forl S»«. s : Honoluln HOLLlSTEH & C0„ The Whlte House! 118 Nuuanu Avenue, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS \ nfjlt-cls$ fyiotnmg [lūii$e IS EVERY RESPECT. Eeom fim $1-51) to $3.00 per Weel or 5ūc. jer Day. PAUL LEMKE, PROPRIETOR. Bell Telenhone 132. aug 22 NOTICE TO 7lsltars, Pienie Parties. Lnans —AND—OENEKAL PUBLIC ! At Smith’3 Bus and Livery Stable, Kinq Stkeet. [Adjoinmg Metropoliton Market.] iki 11 la the Cheape«t Plaee in Totto yon ean eet Enaaea, Wagonede«, Bnggies and 8addle Horses. It will pay yon io eall and aee before you try elsewhere. Mutaal Telephone 408 angl-tf M41 kE Tī E T c., Corncr King »nd Al&kea Strceta. By Erer) Stcamer from San Fr*neiaeo, with Fresh Fruit, Oysters, 6a/mon, Poultry, Etc. Etc., Ktc., »et»t 6. Etc.J LEWI8 J. LEVEY, Heal Estate and Ge; Auctioneer. Conei Port *nd Qneen 8treeta, H Penonal attention given to of Fnmilure, Eeal Estf Stock and General Merchandise, T«lm*ona 238NOTICE - Doring roy absence conntry after the departt ‘'Ooeanie” for China Ch will have full charge of i nes« and afiairs gener&lij WaUukn, Sept 2i "VVAlSrTE A» Houaekeepe, or i ootS3tod IuQuir6 at HoLo imua