Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 November 1894 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 3 [ADVERTISEMENT]

rr? j| to$ np. Sometime3 where to go to pnrcbase auy particular article, but not if yon happen to want anything in the line of ArfistM* NnpplieH, Pieture Fraiue« or enlargeU portraits, there is but one piaee iu Honolulu. to pur~ chase all materia!s. aiul thufs KING BROS.’ Store, for whieh tbere is no rival on these Islands. 7HE F/NĒST PA!NTlNGS /N HAWAH. ARE ON EXH/BITlON /N TH/S GALLERY. The firm makes specialty of enlarging portraits as well as making picture framts in the very Iatest styles of mouIdings. Inwhe sheet pictures, they have thouAnds to select from of whieh they mvite an inspoction at any time. KING BROS., Hotel : : Honoluln. nov 7 tf

PIONEEK Steam CANDY Factory, BAKER1’ and Ice Cream Parlors! HOP m \M)| 1863 Ē lll 1894 tST PRACTICAL % COKlTEC TXO]SrEH asd ORNAMENTER In all brancht» o/ Ihe Huineu on lhe»e i»landt. \ Americ*n, Emrli»h, Oennnn mnd irencb PASTRIES Order.

BIRTH-DAY AND WEDDING CAKES M*de of the Vcry Bcst Materiai and at Keuonahle Ratee. Family Graham & Fancy Bread AUcays on Hand. ALL COXFECTIO.\KK\ M»nn&ctored »t Mj EstabH»hment Are be Positirely Pure and SoId at Pnee» no other esUbIishment wlth. factory and store, Hoth Ho H‘ 9 _ treet ’ Uonolnln. Both Telephones No. 74.

290 Ring Up 290 United Carriage Company, M. REIS CJ.C. QUINN

Anchor-:-Saloon Ex “AUSTKALIA, w Another Invoice of the World Renowned FREOERfCKSBURG U6ER BEER 0n «d by tbe kee. ■^ 80 . «* a Specialty, SMMU Flt£SH Cauforhia OYSTERS. Koli 1L a 1 3ma *