Hawaii Holomua, Volume II, Number 49, 14 November 1894 — The Opera House. [ARTICLE]

The Opera House.

The \Vages of Siu’ liad a poor liou.se last nigLt, but tbe per{onminee was very naueh appreciated by those present. Tbe i following is tho prograuune for touight: A sceae from “Hamlel” will be given by Bichard Scott, Miss j Da)gleisb and Kittie Belmoar. Al. H. Hallett and P. A. Xannary j will recite. Mr. aud Mrs. Belmour will have the leadiag characters in the comedy, “A Kiss in the dark.” Mr. Dailev will give his lopieal soug. “Before Capt. , Cook Came.” Miss Kannery will recite, and Miss Stockmeyer will sing Hawuiian songs an<J do her Hoaolulu dance. The evening will close with the roaring farce, ! “A Day in Coart,” with Mr. I Dailey as the German judge. 1