Hawaii Holomua, Volume III, Number 1, 2 January 1895 — Page 4 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

rr INSURANCE,'a FIRE & MAPINE THK UNDER3IGNKD IS AUTHORIZED T0 TAKE FtRE asd MAKINE BISKS OK r Merchandise, Hnlls» Caroroes, !Proi<yhts and Commissions At Current Kates, in the Following Cos. NAMELV: l j ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVERPOOL. ALLIANCE ASSDRANCE F1RE & MAKINE, LONDON, WILHELMA OF MADGEBURG GENERAL 1NSUBANCE CO. SUN INSURANCE COMPANY, SAW FRANC1SC0. J. S. WAI iKEH, for the Hawaiian Islands. OB»WAY & e»KTEB Robinson Bloch, Hoiel iSt., heiween Fort and Nuwann, Have Just Receiv(d, jer Iate Airi\als, tte 1 »i£.est Stcck cf FLR N1TURE Ever linpOrted to this Country, Comprising 1 Handsome Carved Bedroom Sets In Solid Oak, andof the LATESl DESIGNS. SPECIAL ATTENT10N IS CALLED T0 THES£ SETS; Beautiful Designs of Wicker Ware, consisting of 3KERS, etc.,you ca FIJSISH you desire. SOFAS, CHA1RS, ROCKERS^etc., yon ean get tbese iu «ny aei CHAI Conntless numbers of CHAIRS, in style, inclading 0FF1CE and HIGH CHA1 TS1TSI01T īiiELl.-, We have had a nnmber of calls for these Tables, with CHAIRS t»i match. We have now in stock the most • BEAUTIFUL DINING R00M FURNiTURE EVER SEEN HEKE. Sideboards and Cliiffonierb rrDIVANS.^ ē Divans covered with PORTIERS are beceming quite the rage in laee of LOUNG£S —we manufactore them to order, and have a aige stock of PORTIERS to select from. P lii BEDDI1T&........ Great Assortment ofWOVEN WIRE MATTRESSES—Spring, Hair, Moss, Wool and Straw Mattresses on hand and made to order. LIVE QEESE FEATHERS and SILK FLOSS for Piilowe. CRIBS, CRADLES, etc. WINDOW SHADES of al) colors and aiaea. C0RNIC£ POLGS, in wood or brass trimmings. BSFAZBZira. Mattresses, Lounges «nd all ūpholstere<S Fnrnitnre repaired ai reasonable ntes. CABINET MAKINO, in all its branchee, by Gompetent Workmen. MATTING LAID and Interior Deoonting under the 8apenrisioii oi Mr. GEOBGE ORDWAY. Oor Gooda «re Pirst Class. «nd our prices are ihe Iowe«t Come and be oonvinoed—a trial is soIicited. Be)l 525. T£LKPH0KK8: ORDWAY & PORTEB. Bobinson Blook, Tslkpboxk8: Bell 351 Moioal 417 m- * ■■*•-•.' ■ _>■ J# m. mm * m