Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — The Spite of Life. [ARTICLE]

The Spite of Life.

In-; ianapolis New-- This a g-ea* country. Floods and rains in one secuo.i and freezing cold weather in an other, to say nothing of orange groves and flowers in oth r portions.

Philadelphia Press: She —I want to 8* t a necktie for a gnt’eman. Clerk —Yes. mis-; here are some verv pretty ones for one dollar, t'he—Oc. I don't want to pay more than a quarter.. Clerk —Yes, madam, does your husband like dark or i ; ght colors?

English peeresse* are making orMitizrd protest aaa.rst th* arbitrary f"'tunse regulation* for King Ed

w ard’s ceremonies. The; i say the wea-ae of velvet will de- -* •• the grmiß-try of figure' ar i: that ermine trill min their com pi- ticns. It begins to look a- if exec h« r~|jtary «,as»-> prtr liege in Ecci&ad has- its ’tm.'atjoos The cable may - v n infcrm cs that bis imperial Mahas dictated to the beauty peer esses what brand of face powder shail be nsed ia building complex ior.s for the august occasion and th-c the worm may tarn. —Chicago . Chronicle.