Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 492, 9 January 1902 — IT IS TO LAUGH. [ARTICLE]


Washington Star: “Do you regard the isthmian canal as a good thing?" asked the interviewer. “It may be.” said Senator Sorghum, thoughtfully, -for somebody, if it is worked right.” Puck: She—Why do you dislike to go to concerts? He—Well, to tell the truth, it's because I'm always afraid I'll say “How beautiful!” after a number when I ought to say. “How wonderful 1” Somerville Journal: Hicks —1 understand that poor Bjones had to have his leg amputated last week. \\ icks—Ves. and it wasn’t the leg that had the rheumatism in it either. Boston Transcript Harriet—Harry why is it that in foot bail each side has only eleven men? Why don’t they have an even dozen on each side? Harry—Because it would endanger the lives of two more men I suppos ed everybody knew that. Town Topics: She—The very n \x morning after yon aad propose,! to her she confided in me and asked me what she had better do. He—l hope you were favorable Sue—Oh. yes I told h. r I • b- lieve she could do any better.