Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 495, 12 January 1902 — MRS. MARY W. CHALMERS DEAD [ARTICLE]


Yesterday the sad intelligence reached this city that Mary W. Cha! mers. the wife of George Chalmers, manager of Waimanalo Sugar Company. died suddenly yesterday morn-

ing at 9 o'clock at her home ia Wai manalo. The deceased who was a native of Scotland, was 5* years old. She leaves a husband and several children. The funeral services will take place this morning at 9 o’clock at Waima nalo. Rev. G I- Pearson of the First Methodist Episcopal Chut* h. oflL :at ing The funeral procession will then proceed over the pali to Xuuanu cemetery when the interment will take place at I p. m