Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 496, 14 January 1902 — Page 8 Advertisements Column 2 [ADVERTISEMENT]

■gt> H A W A11A N <sEngineering and Constrndion Co. iii I CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS ROC*>'S ‘Cfi. 509. 5*0 STANGENWALD O BL ILOING. )W IB t-i Air t* !i« eoimmm toil i« iiwrtrd *1 10 emit • !•»< 4rtt rutrtwm; 5 mit a Um* teco*4 tn*rr tiOn: 25 centt p#r iuw pw .* S-1 emit p*r Ut ttro *ct #A». e«d 50 p#r kn* per montk. Saraud All classes of Engineering Work solicited. Examinations. vev« a=d Reports ma-’e for any of aterworks. s«team Electr; a! Con-t". •: n. Plans and Specifications and Estimates prepared and Constra ticn Superintended in all branches of Engineering Work Contracts solicited for Railroads, electric and steam; Tunnels. Bridges. Buildings, Highways. Foundations. Piers. Wharves, Etc. Valuation* and 'll I SPECIAL ATTENTION given to Examination*. Repo r ts of Properties for investment purposes. FREDERICK J. AMWEG, M. Am. Soc. C. E. Engineer and Manage' W. R. CASTLE. JR., Secretary and Treasurer. LOST. LOST —Bish-’p A Co s Saving' Pa:.' Pass Book No Finder w:ll please return to Bishop A Co. I — WANTED. I il WANTED—To seJi, iv. ae 6 a# white Diamond rings: also tin# opal rings; reasonable pi;."#*. Watch#* repaired oa time. G. Dicta, watchmaker and j#wd«r. Fort sL. near Hotel, in Prescott's store. NEWS FOR THE I NEWSPAPER BOYS *0 THE MOST Enter* v prisiiiii News Boy, who disposes <t ii» most papers ot , . . Che Honolulu Republican WANTED—Girls to do laundry were. Apply Sanitary Steam Laundry, Kawaiahao and South streets. thirins the month of January |1H FVitS MU SlUMW MICH -(> IS TO BE <31 VEIN OPEN TO ALL I Come and see the Watch, Boys! It's a Daisy —Stem Winder. Hunting Case, Sterling Silver, % + i Standard Moveraeic ++ rt + + + + ++ •{• + ... j. ++ + + T + + + JOHNNIE HICKEY won the GOLD WATCH for silling the most papers up to Christmas Day. Il wanted —t»o riagi.> <• *t r..-x. d- w sire rooms and good table board, either in house or cottage near m i<t not be far from business portion of city. Expect to remain permanently if satisfactory and rat#* reasonable. Address A. B R* publican Office. FOR RENT. A splendidly furnished room with v cellent board for two gentlemen. Centrally located, every convenience. Apply at this effi- e. FOR RENT —A farms:: 1 < seven (7) rooms on Klnau str For particulars, apply this off. e •f ROOMS FOR RENT- Helen s Court Private Hotel, off Adams Lane, near Elite Building ‘Phone White i»4*5L H M Lew. mans? r. TO LET —Delightful roomy bath tubwith either hot or cold water, and every improvement and convenience known to the modern age.—At Silent Barbi r Shop. TO LET —Newly furnished double parlors; also rooms. Beretmia ave., i or. Keaumoku. FOR RENT —An eight room cottage on Young street. Apply J. A. Mv goon, Magoon building COMFORTABLE COTTAGES ON th# premises of the Sanitary Steam I-nuo-dry Co. Ltd.. Manuion and South streets. The cottages cocta.n 4 room*, kitchen and bath room No extra charge for hot and cold water and electric lights. Rent reasonable. Apply on the premises to J- L'ghttoot, manager. Japanese Novelties SILK FANS. Pi_AIN, PAINTED and GILDED LACQUERWARE CASINETS. HANDKERCHIEF BOXES. i / JEWELRY SAFES. TEA TRAYS. POWDER CASES. CHINA WARE. TEA SETS. HOTEL STREET. HOTEL STREET. Iwakami & Go. The Oriental Life Insurance Co., Ltd. i The Home Company Tom >Sliiir|i Stenographist (Successor to CHAS. SEYDONE.) I P-T’O i > .\ T' i-: Designing and Gilding Advertising a Specialty. Office and Workshop: 1170 UNION STREET. issues all modern forms of policies at the lowest possibl rates. Policies issued m l oth tniilish an<i C’hine< lan<ruatres. huen Chang Co. HOME OFFICE: 301-302 Sta- gsr..said Bldg.. Honolulu, T. H. Manufacturers of All Kinds of BISCUITS. CRACKERS. HARO TACK. Ur ft' vt/ to it/ \i/ \l/ VI/ iii to \t/ it/ ft/ BINDING O to The Robert Grieve Publishing Co Ltd. Dees all kinds of Comr-ie*: a’ j'3 Job Print.ng at the lev/ est rates. Recent additions have beer r-aje tj the mechanical fo'ce which enacle the Company to t#’ - - out orders promptly. In railroad ar.d plantation work we e«;e any ether pr nt rg establish mert in Hawaii. /»». m m RICE HANDLED. —Large Importer - of— Flour. G'oceries, Fruit and Vegetables WHOLE c ALE AND RETAIL. 120 KING STREET P. O. Bex 972. Phone. White 80b WHY HOT BUT THE BEST? If COSTS NO MORE .: Eureka Wickless Blue Flame OIL STOVES Sold wua aGcaraai*. * BOOKS, MAGAZINES W it/ and papers 2! \L (f* “Tt 1* another branch of the art p-eservative that we give pa-ticular tie attention to- Our bindery ia the most complete in Honolulu and *w\ the large amount of work aUa,,a :r hand attests to the excel- ‘Al lence of our bindery. •» rw\ Mp If.you want any kind of Print "g or Binding done you should •’ • patrcnne us if you desire flnt-c.ass work. ’tile Mert Grime iikiishii; te„ UaiM.^j ta * H “ Co - Lli Stro«-b. Honolulu.. Kerosene and Gasoline Wickless Stoves —FOR SALE AT THE—- % Bus! wlH tell you ♦ — w . i ♦ that aa ad la Tbe Republic- ♦ I ♦ an bring* good ramita be- ♦ ‘ ’ " **' ♦ enuae tbe people r,«d it •