Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — BOOK REVIEW. [ARTICLE]


tncle Hark Relate* Hi» Experience* at Buffalo Exposition. -Around The Pan.'* by Thomas Fleming published by The Nut Sh 11 Publishing Company. New York, dodlcated to the spirit of Pan America to a spirit of fun and constructed, as Indicated In the "Foreword.- on the theory that it is far better to laugh than to weep, is a most enter taming as well as instructive volume, neatly bound in gre»n doth. It 1* a book of 262 pages printed on good paper and cleverly and attractively illustrated by the author. • Around the Pan with I'ncle Hank His Trip Through the Pan American Exposition" U the full title of the work. “Uncle Hank" la a Yankee farmer from "way down East." and

hi* experience* at the treat exposition at Buffalo are amusingly told. The marvellous facta of the recent world* fair are clothed in a humor which is created by the manner in »;:ci things are seen by the genial. easy, old gentleman from the country. The book is one that can be pst on the shelf after an enjoyable reading with the anticipation of again, and yet again, perusing its ■ activating contents. Uncle Hank" meet? people and thing* from ail parts of the world. He visits the Hawaiian village and i- nat i-ally attra ted by the exaggerated exhibition The following brief extract will give an idea of the book; —"Uncle Hanks curiosity now directed his footstep* toward the Hawaiian vil iage. and as the crowd was surging on he allow-d himself to drift in. What he saw there can best be described in his own words: Je-roosalem —cricket?! When I g<-i ter hum 1 must tell Si Hawkins ter see that Hoo-!a Hoola dance — it’s a corker!’ and with his he vociyhistled the seductive music as an accompaniment. - Thet stag o manager said It was ther same dance that war danced afore King Kalakawer. but I’ll bet Mrs. Kalakawer wasn’t present wb'*n It wax.'"