Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — Rainfall for December, 1901. [ARTICLE]

Rainfall for December, 1901.

f.iov. R.iin. Stntlims. <Kt i linhesl HAWAII. I Walakea 30 12.79 | Hil<> (town) liki Kniim.ma I*so 14.70 Pcpcc'TCO 100 14.91 i Hakalau 200 !»’•> H*>n**hina 3i>o 21.79 T.aui«»li«eho*> SIX) ... Ookala 400 Kukaiau 230 9.71 Paaullo 750 11 92 P.Mlihau Mill 1910 6.7 i I‘aauhnu lOrcIs) IISO HonokaalMuln 423 <l.s> fT*m*'kaa (Rickard) 1900 ' Kukuihacle 700 6.43 Awial Ranch.... 1100 . .. 1 Mulil 300 2.9KiOiala 1 Mission)... .121 >1 K**h«la Siijjar Co *35 .17. Hawi Mill «i*i Walinea 2720 4.3:. Kailua 9.10 Bolualoa 1330 4 71 K alakekua 1580 7.02 SapoopoO 21 1 43 H**uuapo M 4 97 Xaalehu 650 5.92 Hllca Hi Patiala... S5O 7.24 Moaula 1700 12.fi. Volcano Houw 4000 10.93 Olaa > Mountain View) 1700 14 92 Kapoho. 110 9.43 1 Kalapaua. 9 MAPI. I-ahainn Waiopae Ranch 7i«l 5 17 Kaupo iM..kulau> 283 11.27 Kipahulu 3.10 12 17 Hamoa Plantation Co .1.92 X ililku 60 1.17 Nalitku "4)0 16,.15 Haiku 790 4.37 Kula Krehwon) 4500 Puuoiualet lift' i.ss Pale 19*1 3 6 Haleakaia Ranch 2000 9.4Wailtlku 200 3.96 OAHU. ■ Punah.'u iW. Bureau'. 47 9.9*. I Kulaokahua .. SO 9 52 Makiki Reservoir 120 9.60 : K' «alu'Kins: St) 13 i P. >. Xavai 9ta;...n 0 -.29 ' Kapidani Park. lo * 35 I Muuou Woortlavn 01 285 19.99 School St . *Bi»hop) U -.76 j Pacific Heizhts 7.xl 10, H in-anc Asylum -» 9.67 75 » 71 Kallhl-lka . 2-V* 14.74 Xuuanu (W. w. Hall) 50 9.7« Ni.uanu iWyllk* Sr.i M 0 11.39 Xuuauu (Elec sou - 403 M. 29 j Xuuanu il.uakahai *3O 21.51 I Waimanalo 2' 11. M Mnunawlll 2>) 17 31 : Kaurohe !*•> ... ] \hmmar.u ISO 17 a ! Kahuku 25 7.71 I M'atalua 2" 7,07 W alilowa 'A» 10 3t K ra Plantation. . >4' 7.a • M .un tic 9uu*iii 4 * Waipahu 7*oo 7,67 j Moanalua is - KAUAI. L'hue *Cr*.re Farm* 'OO 7. 2 L hue (Uoiokoa) <OO -.61 j > InuelK.lkaua.lL low ]■*.*< Kealta U 6.41 1 Kilauea .17*3 13.7 . H Ut-Vel 10 15.41 'Vatawa S 2 6.72 I Elesle .. 200 Wahlawa Mt 5l« Mnßrplr's iKw BV* 10 ;» , law. 430 10.99 Too I ati rom Last Enoar 1 Kabuku Pine Clrorr) 16*9 * 02 Kehala Suzar < 2-4 10.71 1 X. R —Observers are especially requested to forward their reports promptly at the end of each month, and to report regularly and continuously. CURTIS J. LYON'S, Territorial Meteorologist Pain-Killer, the old .’nd well known remedy has acquired a world-aide renown for the care of sudden colds, coughs, etc., weak stomach, indigestion. cramp or pain in the stomach, bowel complaint, diarrhoea and dysentery. It has lost none of its good name by repeated trials, but continues to occupy a prominent position in every family medicine chest. Avoid substitutes, there is but one PainKiller, Perry Davis'. Price 25c. and 50c.

An Attack of Pneumonia WaTled Off. “Some time ago ay daughter caught a-- vere col l. She complained of pains in her chest and bad a had cough. I gave her Chamberiair. s Cough Rem edy according to directions and in two days she was well and able to go to schf-oL I have used tots remedy in my family for the past seven years and have never known it to fail." say s James Prendergast, merchant. Annex to Bay. Jatnaka. West India islands. The pains in the chest indicated an approaching atta* k of pneumonia, which in this instance was undoubtedly warded off by Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. It counteracts any tendency of a cold toward pneumonia. Sold by all dealers and druggists. Benson. Smith 4c Co., agents for Hawaii.