Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — WILL BEGIN CANVASSING [ARTICLE]


M’KIHLEY MEMORIAL FUND WORK The McKinley Memorial Finance Committee held a meeting at the office of Henry Waterhouse yesterday afternoon at 4 o’clock. Chairman H'-nry Waterhouse stated that the business of this m*<ting would be to orm committees to no out gud canvass anuffig the merchants and the schools. Mr. McCandless reported on behalf of the committee that several sites had already been visited and that it was the intention of the committee to visit sev« ral more places. It had he-i’ definitely decided that the memoria; should be In the form of a playground and the aim would be to get r- site which would b - easily accessible and which could lie put into good condition at jiot teo great an ex- ;“ iise. About would be necessary to buy a good site and have it fitted out and it was Mr. McCandless’ lieli- f that that sum could and ought to lie raised here. Different Committees Appointed. Thu different committees which ar> to canvass among the various (lasses of the city were then appoint ed by the chairman. The committee to work among the merchants is comp..r 'd of the • following memb rs; Messrs, McCandk ss. Chamberlain and Brown. The committee on schools; Rev. Alex. Mackintosh. Mr. Dyke. A M. Smith. Mrs. Frazier and Miss Felker. Three Chinese whose names will be handed in Inter, are to form a committeee to work in the Chinese colony here. V. Sana. C. Shicgawa and V. Ki mura constitutional the Japanese committee. John I-ane was named as chairman f r th> Hawaiian* and it was decided That h - be allow - d to select his own helpers. J. I>. Marques and A. H. Vicrra 'institute the Portuguese committee. Other Collection Ideas. The chairman was further authorizd to -■ '•■< t a committee consisting :>f one member of each of the athletic clubs of this city to work among the rhibs. During the nueting s verai sug-g.-stions were given as means for thaisiug of funds for the memorial. Among these was one that the pol 6 club play a game at Kapiolaui Park while young ladies sell tickets to the game. It was also suggested that an exhibition from all the scho Is be given some night at the Opera House.