Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 497, 15 January 1902 — >nvs i>n notes. « [ARTICLE]

>nvs i>n notes. «

The Eureka will sail today for Kahuiui. The schooner Moi Wahine will sail today fot Faauilo. The German ship Acnja U l? 4 days out from Maid burg. The Tilhe E Star hock 1« IT days out from San Francisco The ship S. P Carleton will sail for the Sound on Saturday. The Mikahala left on the Hall s route to Kauai yesterday afternoon. The Royal Mail steamer Moans will sail at noon today for Victoria, B. C. The U. S A. Transport Thomas sails today from San Francisco for Honolulu. Several hundred tons of supplies for the training ship Mohican have ar rived at this port. Since the Fearless paid a visit to

the Marine railway, her speed has been considerably increased. The vessels at the Railroad wharf were gaily decorated yesterday in honor of Captain Splrer's birthday. A new crew signed articles on the Retire yesterday. The men were delivered on board by Lewis and Turk Work is progressing on the PacificMail dock and by the time another steamer arrives from the Coast it will be rat proof Captain Piltz. of the schooner j Searies. which is discharging at Kleele. was in town yesterday and went back on the Claudine. The Longshoremen's Union will have a big meeting at the Drill Shed this evening to perfect their organ ization and elect officers. All Ameri- 1 can citizens are eligible to member --hip. and H. Kauwahu, the acting j secretary, extends an invitation to all ! the stevedores to be present tonight j