Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 498, 16 January 1902 — MEETING OF TWO GUILDS [ARTICLE]


REV. S. HOOKER DELIVERS ADDRESS SPEAKS OF THE ORGANIZATIONS IN THE CHURCHES OF UNITED STATES. Brotherhood of St. Andrews and Ladies’ Guild Meet — Visiting Clergyman Encourages Founding of Religious Organizations Which Mignt Work Well in This City. A meeting of the Brotherhood of St. Andrews and the Ladies Guild of St. Andrew’s congregation was held last night at 7:30 in the Sunday school room of the Cathedral. The meeting began with a prayer whereafter Rev. Alex. Mackintosh in a brief speech gave an outline of the work which had been done by the Brotherhood of St. Andrews and by the Ladies' Guild. He then introduced Rev. Sidney Hooker, of Dillon, Montana, delivered an address. saying in part: Why Guilds Exist. "I am glad to bring a greeting from the church in Montana to the church in Honolulu. Why we have guilds. I will tell you. When the spirit of Christ comes into our hearts we want to show our love of Christ and the church. We know what Christ did and we want to do as he did. When we become members of the church we want to do something to show that we want to be useful members of the church, for by their works shall you know them. Religion is not sentiment, it is a thing of doing. When we become church members we want to show our Christianity by deeds. "Now to accomplish anything we must organize, just as we must organize if we work for political or business ends, and therefore we have our guilds. One man can do work alone, but when men work together they can accomplish things much greater. It was this feeling that made five men meet together to organize the Brotherhood of St. Andrews, which is a great organization and a grand expression of this feeling of desire to do work for the church. Daughters of the King. "The Daughters of the King is another expression of the same feeling. We have neither of these at my home in Dillon, Montana, but we will soon start to organize the Daughters of the King. In other parishes in Montana we have both these organizations and they are doing splendid work. Thus in Butte there were 63 candidates for comfirmation last year which large number was for a great part the result of the work of these organizations. "We also have missionary guilds. These used to have the same trouble as there seems to be here, that while at times the attendance was large, at other times it was very small. We got over that about three years ago by organizing on different lines. We all want to help the rector to do the Lord’s work, and to do this it is an important thing to have people friendly towards one another and making strangers feel at home with us. Our guilds succeeded in doing this splendidly by having social meetings every week. They met at different houses at different times and the lady of the house provided the refreshments so that this was only a small burden. Then it was customary for every member to bring a small offering at every meeting. This plan worked surprisingly well. The attendance became larger, greater interest was shown and more money was collected. A great number of strangers were also drawn to the church in this manner. This plan

might wort exceedingly well here tn ' Honolulu. Warrart’i Auxiliary. “Another organiza ‘.ict! is the Woman's Auxiliary which is very thor- ) oughly organized. there being a branch of it fn every diocese cf Mon- • tana. The wort done js especially | missionary work and every baptized woman of the church is considered & member. Meetings are heid oac* a month, the main feature being the reading of papers which tell what is | being done in the missionary field. This makes these meetings interesti iag. When we know what is being done and see the splendid results of 1 the missionary work we become interested and will give more for these purposes. Every vear this organlza tion pledges itself to give p certain an; unt to the Board of Missions and ail the Sunday schoo? give offerings for the same purpose during Lent. Ijtst year the children of Monta aa gave more than was given in aav place in the United States. When th-se children grow up they will preserve interest in this work. You should have a branch here of this organization which does such splendid work throughout the w >rld by helping missionary work. Work together with these organizations in the United States and send a delegate to their conventions. You could plso send your contributions such as are received from many other distant parts such as Alaska. Japan. China and many other places. If you want to form such an organization Mrs Hooker, who is the secretary of one of these organizations, will give you any information you might want ” A prayer was then offered by Mr. Hooker and Rev. Alex, Mackintosh made a few rema-ks upon the ad dress of Mr. Hooker. A vote of thanks was then offered to Mr. Hooker and the meeting adjourned.