Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 499, 17 January 1902 — MISS HT HAS A PRETTY Mi AT ST. ANDREW’S [ARTICLE]


I Episcopal Cathedral Filled With Friends of Bride and Bridegroom. CHURCH PREirilV DECOBJTED Bridal Party Greeted With Wafer’s March on Grand Organ. Colonel John D. Holt Gives B'.de Away—Miss Helen Holt Acts as Bridesmaid and George F. Wright as Best Man—Hundreds Attend Reception—Handsome Presents. St. Andrew's Cathedral »a> fill. I with a fashionable aaileno last evening to witness the solemnixat. ■ of the marriage bans between Rdward Vivian Richardson and Ml-s Klixabeth Holt. The ceremony performed by Rev. Alexander Mac inlosh. the impressive double ring service of the Episcopal church !>• in* employed. The bride was cbarming in a w hile gown of peau d»* soie. trimra- d with shirred satin ribbon The gown was made high at the neck with half length sleeves, and three graduated flounces. t r immed with satin ribbon, adorned the skirt. The long tulle veil was caught up with a spray of orange

blossoms. The bridal bouquet was of white roses and maiden hair fern. Miss Helen Holt, a niece of the bride was the bridesmaid. She was (town ed in while organdy over pale blue silk, and carried a bouquet similar to that of the bride. Misses Wattle and Amelia Holt, also nieces of the bride were the flower girls who scattered rose petals in the path of the bride up to the charn el rail. George F. Wright a< t»-d as best man. Colonel John I). Holt a brother of the bride, gave her away, and IJonel Hart and Charles Ah Fook acted as ushers. Beautiful Floral Decorations. The floral decorations were very effective and beautiful, and they were the work of friends and former schoolmates of the bride. The chandeliers were wound with maile lels. The chancel rail was hidden by rope* of green, with bleeding hearts, while an arch at th‘* entrance to the chancel was formed of palm leaves and bleeding hearts. The choir desks were ’ trimra d with huapala vine and mar.v handsome palms and bamboo branches were effectively placed in the chancel.

Wagner's bridal march was played by Organist Wray Taylor upon the entrance of the bridal party. While the ceremony vu being performed he rendered some sweely solemn music in a minor key. and at the close gave Mendelssohn's wedding mar* .1. In the audience at the church were Prince Cupid Kalanianaole and his wife. Mr. and Mrs. J. O Carter. M'« Richards. Wm. Dixon. Miss Irene Dixon, Miss Peterson, Mrs. Cunba. Mr. Albert Cunba Mr. and Mrs. Booth. lieputy Sheriff Chiliingwnrth ami wife. Mrs. Lowry. Miss Nelson. Mrs. Mclntosh and many oth» r« Hund'eds Attend Reception.

After the wedding a reception took plai-e at the home of the bride's sister-in law. Mrs Elisabeth Holt, on the corner of Makiki and Lanalilo street. Between 250 and 300 people railed to congratulate the happy couple, leaving as souvenirs a host of beautiful presents, such as jewelry, silverware. cut glass ware, calabashes, articles useful for housekeeping and many other things too numerous to mention. The Quintet Club was present and to its strains of mnsic the many ■ young society people present enjoyed a dance. During the evening fight refreshments were served.