Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — TRIUMPH OF AMERICAN ENGINEERING SKILL [ARTICLE]


NEW YORK. January t!.—After th** best foreign civil engineers had given up the problem of running a railroad over the Andes mountains American e: sineers were secured and they are building the road under the direction o William F. Shank of New York, said A. C. McKenzie at the Astor House. McKenzie returned today front an exploration of Ecuador for a syndicate of American and foreign capitalists. of whom former Mayor Hewitt of New York is one. “The railroad." continued McKenzie, “extends from Guayaquil, the seaport of Ecuador. to Quito, the capital, and will be 310 miles long. It was started by a foreign syndicate a number of years ago. but was practically abandoned because the engineers said it would be impossible to cross the Andes. The Americans in the syndicate, however, were positive that American engineers could carry the road through and they were sent down to Ecuador and have overcome all obstacles."