Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — REMARKABLE STORM IN PACIFIC WATERS [ARTICLE]


FISHING STEAMER EXPERIENCE. The Saga was Struck by an Electric Storm—Hundreds of Brilliant Corposants Danced Along the Foremast Stay—Balls of Fire. VANCOUVER. Jan, Remarkable electrical phenomena wore observed by the crew of the big Ashing. steamer Saga, which arrived this aftoinoon from the northern Ashing gr> nads. The steamer was just south of the Queen Charlotte islands on Saturday evening when she was struck by a stotm. and for four hours thunder and lightning was almost continuous. At one time hundreds of brilliant corposants, resembling little balls of Are. danced along the steel foremast stay and along the jump stav and other steel lines between • • the foremast and main mast. The balls of rlectrical fire were apparently about the site of hen's eggs, and raced up and down the stays for five minutes at a time, during which the

amount of illumination was quite noticeable, I Captain Dawe of the Saga states that only on one or two occasions has he beheld anything of the same nature, and never before in Pacific waters, where electrical disturbances are rare. As corposants are harmless. no ill effects resulted to the vessel. although there w-as much wonder and interest among the sailors, who had never before witnessed the phenomenon.