Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — MUCH WRECKAGE IS REPORTED ON COAST [ARTICLE]


CUTTER GRANT TO IDENTIFY IT. Believed that Many Vessels Have Met With Disaster—General Bad Weather Along the Coast—Grant Will Make Tour of Investigation. I'tißT TOWNSEND. Wash. January 7. The United States revenue cutter Grant sailed this morning for an extended cruise along the shores <>f th- Straits of Fu< a and also along the -out!i coast Of Tape Flattery, to examine the large amount of wreckage reported along th*' beach during the past two weeks. It Is believed that many vessels have met with disaster iu the sales which have prevailed sine. December 25th. as the Indians have dally brought reports to Neah Day of new wreckage com ins ashore south ot Cape Flattery. Captain Toiler of the Giant will make a tour of investigation for the purpose of ascertaining if possible the names of the vessels from which the wreckage came. The steamer Vllce Gertrude, arrlv mg from Neah Day today, reports la,-t night - storm in the straits as luing of great violence, and off Cape Fatten the wind reached almost the vi 1«w ity of a hurricane, driving vessels in the vicinity of Cape Flattery out to sea. Vessels in the straits ;ght shelter In Port Angeles and Clallam bays.