Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 500, 18 January 1902 — IMPRESSIVE RITES MARK GILFILLAN OBSEQUIES [ARTICLE]


.NOTABLE HAWAIIANS ATTEND.’ George Davis Pays Tribute—Funeral in Charge of Prominent Masons and Held in San Francisco on Jan. 6—Blue Lodge Ceremonies. SAN FRANCISCO. Jan. 6.—Masons !of San Francisco consigned to a grave in Laurel Hill Cemetery yes- • terday the body of Archibald F. Gil* 1 fillan, a resident of Honolulu, who i met his death through an accident lin Philadelphia ten days ago. Wi f h all the impressive ceremonial of the ■ ' Blue Lodge, the brethren of the dead man honored his memory, and told of his good works in life. Relatives nf Gilflllan who live in San Fran :—, j eo. were present at the Masonic T*rni pie. and conspicuous among the Ha--1 waiian Masons attending were: Sam uel Parker. Prince David Kawananakoa. Judge G. D. Gear. George Davis and John G. Rothwell. all Knights I Templar and members of Honolulu Commandery. Acting Master Henry M. Owen s of California Lodge. No. I. conducted; the funeral service, and read the beautiful and comforting ritual of the Blue Lodge. The Knickerbocker Quartet sang four hymns during the reading, and George Davis of Hvmo- j lulu delivered a eulogy. Davis said j that he had known Gilflllan as man. ami Mason for many years, and knew him to be possessed of the highest moral qualities. Giltillau was to have been initialed into the Scottish Rite on his return to Honolulu from Louisville, Ky„ whither he went some months ago to represent Hawaii u the conclave of Knights Templar. ■ Davis deplctred the sad fate of Gilflllan who was killed by being thrqwn from a trolley car in Philadelphia on ] December. 23d. After Davis had conj eluded Franklin H. Day. secretary • 1 California Ixxige. No. 1. uttered an I impressive farewell to his dead brother. Then the friends of the decea-ed viewed the body and the funeral tag- 1 departed for the cemetery. Archibald Gilflllan was a member of the Hawaiian Legislature, and pro- i minenf in business circles in Honolulu. He was a Scotchman by bjrt. ami formerly resided in San ! co. where he had an extensive acquaintance.