Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — CAMPBELL ON HAWAII [ARTICLE]


» HII.O. Jan. 17.—One of the first acts cf Mr. Marston Campbell. Assistant Superintendent of Public Works, on this trip to Hawaii was to arrsuige for the removal and enlargement of the powder bouse. It will be moved a mile further out on the old Puna trail. The magazine a? im proved, will be 1«i24 feel and construct-; d of stone. The work will be commenced in a day or two. F. Bmghelli is building new bam cn Volcano street to which he wili more the entire stock of horses and carriages from the City Stables. Feb ruary 1 Mr Brughelii will make his new stand an npto-date llrerr and boarding stable. It is the opinion of a Honolulu engineer cow visiting Hilo that the only criticism to be made on the government road to Laupaho*boe is the ab sence of suitable drainage. Nearly all of the 153,f*00 recently authorized to be expended by the Public Works Dr partment will he used for roads and bridges on this Island. The stone bni’iding on J. G. lot on Bridge street U about finished The exterior finish makes it the most striking business block ta the city. ‘