Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — SEE SUGAR LOADED AT HONOLULU DOCKS [ARTICLE]


INTERESTING VISIT OF Y. M. C. A. Go to Railroad Wharf and Visit the Bark Gerard C. Tobey—Captain Gcve Entertains the Visitors— I Honolulu's Commerce. Among ail the waterfront industries. there are none more picturesque or interesting than the loading of sugar on sailing-vessels at the Railroad wharf. One of these waterfront scenes was visited yesterday by a party composed of junior members of the Y. M. C. A., under the direction of Mr. Fred Young. An invitation had been tendered them by t'aptain Gove of the Gerard C. Tobew and at 9 o’clock yesterday morn-! ing a dozen youngsters boarded the I vessel. As Captain Gove pointed out to the boys of the Y. M. C. A . there 1 is an interesting question which any- 1 one would naturally ask—Where does j this large cargo of sugar go to? | What is the destination of each par ticular sack? The boys were taken all over the j vessel and everything was explained, to them. The curriculum of a man euver at sea was gone over and. af- i ter an inspection of the galiey and forecastle, the boys were invited to the cabin w here a phonograph was pressed into service for their entertainment." Refreshments were served, after which the visitors went ashore, thankmg Captain Gove for his kind-; ness, and having a grand admira- i tion for that carrier of American goods over which flies the American flag—the American sailing ship.