Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — WILD HORSE MAKES HAVOC [ARTICLE]


IRS. WHEELER'S RIRIOW ESCAPE WAILUKU HAS EXPERIENCE WITH INCOMPETENT JAPANESE DRIVERS. Vaui Choral Society Enthusiastic Over Its Work—Quick Dispatch Given to Steamer Eureka at Kahuiui —First National Bank Stockholders Elect Officials. fSpecial Correspondence.] WAILUKU, Jan. 17.—Mrs F. J Wheeler, wife of the head bookkeeper cf the Wailuku plantation, narrowly escaped being run over by a furious , V; on Market street la-t Tuesday afternoon. A horse which had not been thoroughly broken into harness was led about on Market street, at the Lovejoy corner, by a Japanese. The rope, instead of being lied to th> bridle, was tied to the neck. The horse was harnessed to a two-wheel-ed vehicle and. being new in harness, took fright at something. The horse tan on to the sidewalk on Marktt street, and kep' on the sidewalk for a distance r.f alumt 100 yards. Mrs. Wheeler was just going home with her children when. like a flash cf lightning, tne horse and vehicle pa c;, :d her at Hoon Wo’s store. She j’l-t managed to grab one of her ohildren. and place the child on the vert.nda of Hoon Wo’s store. Mrs. Whe«d-or slates that she coaid almost feel the current of air set in motion by the horse as it passed her with lightning speed. The hors u =-tiH k pt c" Iti" sidewalk and tipped the buggy, which frightened it all the more. Pile of Wood Left. At the comer of the street, where th, toad Lads to the mill. iue buggy came in contact with a hitching post, which stopped the horse. The vehicle looked like a pile of wood. When th* horse took fright at the Lovejoy corner, the Japanese owner tried to hold on to the horse, and for some little distance the Japanese was dragged along, the result being a few scratches on his body. Runaways have been quite frequent lately, and a few of them have resulted fatally. There are quite a number of Japanese' who have procured driver’s licenses, hut who really are not able to sit back of two animals. Lately, however. the authorities have taken more nr autions. and licenses are not issued as freely as they were before. Wailuku Choral Society. The members of the Wailuku Cho- ; ral Society were treated to a fine spread of tempting viands at the residence of P. K. Lamar last Saturday evening. All the members with a tew exceptions were present, and an elegant dinner was served. After j dinner the members enjoyed them- , selves with music and chatting. Mr. Lamat is president of the Wailuku Chotp.l Society. The Wailuku Choral Such ty has again resumed practice at Alexander hall, and new officers to servo for the next term will be j elected on next Monday evening. The . constitution and by-laws of the So- , defy were gone over, but besides this J urthing important was transacted. The Society will resume practicing ; cho'ral music on Monday until the arrival of several cantatas which have been sent for. An Old Time Luau. A luau. in pure Hawaiian fashion., was given at Kahuiui last Satin-lav night by a number of pe.>pi-> who! vvi- ie I .o enjoy a good tinv*. There. 'were quite a number of invit,- i gusts v.ho tat a' two long tables, r> w rich were spread all kinds of Hawaii? i dishes. The luau was given a* Un« residence of Becky Wilkinson, Whin all had satisfied their hunger w h the tempting eatables spread befor** them they spent the rest of th? tiiguf in dancing and singing, and it • ar.ot until the wee stna’ hours tha; th--1 crowd dispersed. At the first annual meeting of ’ll stockholders: of the First Nai-oual Bank of Wailuku. held at their ofi-c- 1 in Wailuku on the evening of January 14th, W. J. Lowrie. W. T Robinson. C. D. Lufkin. R. A. Wads-, worth and F. J. Wheeler were reelected directors, on motion of Chas Lennox. These directors then proceeded to elect the officers to - rve for the ensuing year. I. N. G. H.. Elects Officers. Company I. N G. H.. held a meet-i ing at the drill shed last nigh* for the election of civil officers. J N K. Keola presided. M. C. Ross. Jr.. was elected treasurer and C H G Braun, secretary. Quite a numb r of the old members of Company I re eniisted last night. Captain W K Bal has not as yet received his com mission, but he. as well as the first and second lieutenants, will go to Honolulu shortly In order to be ex amined far the positions. J. B Morton ha» sold out hi' Ka hului Saloon to one McQueen of Ho nolulu. Agent Beebe Satisfied. L. E Beebe the Honolalu ag-nt of the Globe Navigation Co., arrived at Kahuiui off th“ steamer Eureka last Thursday morning. Mr. Beebe came to look into the facilities at Kahulnl for handling freight, and he feels quite satisfied with the dispatch which is being given h:« steamer. A S. HayseWen, who has been

deputy sheriff in Wailtrkt: for a long time, bits tendered hi* resignation as as officer in that capacity. Mr. Havseiden oas proven a very -efficient fficer in the rank-* of the pofto- department. and his resignation will probably b* accepted with the keenest regret. Mr. Hayseldea will devote his lime to his personal property in Lahaina. His successor will most likely be W. E. SafD-ry capta ; n of the Wailuku police.