Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 501, 19 January 1902 — A Parable. [ARTICLE]

A Parable.

Once upon a time in one of the outer courts of Paradise au angel was distributing gifts to the politicians. Many of those present asked for things which tli y ha-,1 earnestly desired, such as The Nomination: The Oratorical Powers of a "Teresa”; The Hawaiian Vote; The Influence of “Mazuma"; And the Angel cave each his choice from a large table where the gifts were displayed. * At last it was 1„ A. Thurston's turn to choose. "I want this." he said; and he picked up a round looking object from the tatde and was walking away. "Drop that!" said the angel: "we all know that you have wanted that for a long time; but you can't have it. Guess again." Then Thurston dropped it with a (inll. sickening thud. It was the earth!