Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 504, 23 January 1902 — MAIL STEAMER VENTURA COMES FROM THE COAST [ARTICLE]


Many Honolnlo People Return From San Francisco Last Night. BRINGS FIVE DATS L’ .'ER HEWS Hundreds of Friends at Oceanic Wbarf to Meet the Passengers. Ventura B***ng* Large Consignment of Merchandise and Hundred and Twenty Passenger*—Has a Fair Voyage but was delayed by the English Mails—Sails at 10 a. m. boors lain, on account of a I. lay in th*- arrival «>f the English nails at San Francisco, the Oceanic S* earn ship Company's steamer Ventura arrived from San Francisco and ii,c it'-d at tb.- Oceanic wharf shortly ifter 9 o'clock yrntunliy evening \ larg* l crowd greeted the arrival of tin steamer in spite of the late hour a« mam passengers came for Honolulu. Th<- Ventura left San Francisco January 17th. at 1:52 a. m. and made .1 flue trip do*n in 0 days 2 hours net 4. minut - T.i*' weather was tin", although some rough seas were experienced. Cargo for Honolulu. The V-’titura brought 120 passenrs fie Honolulu ami the follow ing • ■ co Forty-nine cs butter. 190 csks --Hittled lii -r. i 'Mi castings. 24 express mo kac> It* pl.es elect, g.tods. 499 .j. ~h> flour, 123 f pkgs fruits and >,£t 42s pkgs groceries and prov.. i;: pkgs plumbers supplies, 47 pkgs. i r ttess etc,, •* Isiv s trees. 1 ct. blcy- • I billiard table. 1 es rubber coats, i • s eh' Wing gum. 1 ca galvd iron ,re 4 bbls. gia.s«ware. 23 pkgs. hardware 3cs photo goods. 12 cs shoes.: 110 pkgs tobacco. 1 bbl whiskey. 9os iiisits and shoes. 4 cs books. 4 bl ■ orks. r.l jikgs drugs and supplies. 20 • - hats 2 cs h h. goods. It* kegs lead. I pi, c- merchandise. Ict propellors. s .ills steel. 270 liars steel,lo2 cs hott • 2 bbls i rockery. 2 coops chick--72 cs dry goods. 49 pkgs machln- • y. 8 cs met. eartidges. 70 music 'm*\cs • 07s |hs dressed meat. 1 cs idateo ..-are M cs stationery. 79 pkes t: :rks 15 parcels, 25 cs cigars, !>t.- c 11 >cks 10 i s cigarettes, s pkgs festal g.suis. f. bl fish net. 7 cs office uimitut' 2 bids oil. 1041 sks potatoes. :t erts sew machines. 156 metal sbigles. 2 r < os whiskey. Passet.ger for Ths Port. 'wi.is passenger* arrived •n ''osst or the Ventura. Dr W. K Allan, Mr*. C. H An M s r. l> Butterfield, Mr A \ Camj !?IJ. Or. \. B. Clark and „ v- \v H Coiiia. A. B. Clark. Mr s>. o. E. Itow. Mr. W. B. Ha*,; H E. Hoffman, wife and maid, d- s J H> r.dy ;.nd wife, Mr, R. B. Haas n Moore, Mrs. 1 . J. M ,;t V; - M K MiHire. Miss Laura \ Niv.i M:s> F. G. Moore Miss L r . Mr W A Scripps and « V-- K M S* verson. M*iss E. M Wa! a-. Mr 1. F Weaver. Mr. r C W: n. Mar ter Wilson. Sir. A IS \ ; Mra X \m- s’oy Mr W. K. C.i-' Jr Mr> Chr* ♦, Mr. O M 11 nba Mr male fb.. Mr, j \v F rri J. R C.slt wife and 2 chll ■ ■ n P. J Kan.* and wife. Mrs. K. ite - !»..vid 1 awry nee. Mr S. t 1 "ie. Mr 1.. Pockwltt and wife. \i -- K R .hardson. Mr. F S. Pres- ■ :t M- J O. Rothwell and wife X- A r. R; V Miss E P. Sargent \f F i.. Sharp. Mr. M P. Shep rd V V M Sharp Mr C H. Mr. H Votings and wife. Mr M C. cfcmidt and wife. Jas. Guild •1 w Ul-s E Herrick. B H ! v Cracke.i. Mi-s m Herrick. Miss >* N 'ble. Mrs W. Noble. Miss S Raymond. Oscar F. Ritt> r. Mrs Wil j x J H Willic.m*. A E Aldridge t'b.X' H r'-oar J Rasmissen. A Ja •m. C E' It > Geo Holden. C M x 1 ar - e. Mr*. N B nbon. Fred Hoht">rk. Mrs. J Hcn>on and child, J. ' X’ Fald’-n, Mrs J. McLean. M 1 I'Hara. W F Oldinr. C A. Shep rd. Mrs J C. Stuart and child Keht O'Jeda G. 1.. Water*. F. C. Xldrich, W. T. Thompson, A W. »”ark L. Maupin, S Giacomo. J.

Murray. F. M. Lynch. Mrs. J. R. Parker and 2 children. J. A. Johnson. G. Tubner. Mr. X. B. Browne and , wife. Mr H T Cooke. Tho* B. Gr-gg Wm. C Gregg J. Michels, wife and child. Mrs. J. Monsarrat. Mr B. S. Schermertiorn. Mr. P. Schneider. Mr. L. Schneltxer and wife. Mr. T. E Thompson Mr A. H. Wagner. Mr. G. W Stark. The Ventura will sail at 70 o'clock this morning with 172 through pas sengers for the Colonies.