Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — HOME RULERS WILL HAVE THE LABOR SUPPORT [ARTICLE]


Result of Conference Between ' Committee and the Organizations. POLITICUSS IS FOSTER BUI Precinct Rales for Priaaries Ire Adopted and MeetingLasts Long. Letter* From Delegate Wdco* at Washington Addressed V> Senate* Kalauokalant Are Read and 0»cueeed —Hawaii'* Representat.ve Report* That He it Recovering. The Hum* 1 Rule Republican party s executive committee held a rousing meeting in Foster Hall last ev* ning the business on hand occupying tho— ■ present until a late hour. A report from the special labor or sanization committee, consisting of John Emmelnth. James Quinn and Fred Berkley, a committee appointed to work in the interests of the atfllia tlon of the labor interests of the Is amis with the Home Rule Republican party, was listened to. The commit tee. one member of which. Fiyd Berkley, was not present at th< meeting. reported that a conferem ■ had already been held with the rep resentatives of the labor Interests and that another confer-nc*- would take place within a short timLabor Interests Friendly The result of the first conference is to the effect that, while the labor ! organizations are not ready to sw-ar allegiance to any platform or prln ciples until such platfcrm and prin ■ ciples have been established and made known, they are n* vertheU >- ready, after becoming perfectly Tam 1 har with such platform and prinew pies, to Rive full support to the Home * Rule Republican party, providing of . course, that the principles of the par ty are such as will not In any way clash with the vital interests of the laboring people and are such as |o advance their interests in this i-or.h try. The Home Rulers feel cc nfldent that the labor organizations will stand and win with them at the n* st election They are confident that the labor vote will go with the Home Rule Republican vot- The HoneRulers are enthusiastic in their work , of preparing for the nest campaign and say that their organization i< now as nearly perfect as can p> ssibly he. The report of the committee on labor organization was considered almost favorable and was adopted. Precinct Rules Adopted. Muc h time and a gr-at deal of eloquence was used in discussing and adopting rules for th- conduct r f af fairs in the precincts for lh-- primaries. All the rules were adopt* -1 bfore the meeting adjourned It is said that th-s* rule- will b- pub -' ed in a f-w days Letters addressed to Senator Kalauokalani from Delegate Robert Wilcox at Washington, relative to bills to be introduced in Congr -- concerning Hawaii, were- read at ! discussed. The Delegate reported that he was still ill but was rapidly , recovering his strength and healunder the care of good doctors Mrs. Wilcox, who was p*-<• nt at the meeting said that her husband expected to be as well as usual in a couple of we* ks. according to lett-rs received by the Ventura.