Honolulu Republican, Volume IV, Number 505, 24 January 1902 — CELEBRATE EMPEROR’S BIRTHDAY [ARTICLE]


RECEPTION AT BACKFEED’S OFFICE LOYAL GERMANS WILL REMEMBER ANNIVERSARY OF THEIR SOVEREIGN. Consul Wifi Receive at His New Quarters in Building Newly Completed—Opening of Block Postponed as Interior is Not Yet Finished—Hoch Der Kaiser—Prcsit! J F Hackfeld A- Company will not open their new building on Monday as had previously been planned, as it will be impossible to have th” prem isea ready by that time. The birthday of the German Emp-r or. which falls on this date, will be celebrated In due form, however, by the loyal sons of “das Vaterland” who. like Heine's "FSchtentaum" are on a foreign shore longing for the country where no ‘'citroaen bliihn. " A reception will be held at two o'clock in the afternoon at the consul’s new office, which is in the Waikiki end of the Queen street section of the new building. While this function will probably be limited to a more cr less formal celebration of tha great event, it is a fairly sate proposition that the patriotic Germans of this city will celebrate more heartily at other places at a later* time, and that "Hoch der Kaiser ’ Prosit." ’Gesuadheit." and various

"Rundgesangs” of the homeland will be heard. Emperor William 11. of G rmany was born on January 37. 1859. and ascended the throne on June 15. 18SS During his reign Germany has made great advancement in her colonization schemes and her commerce has become a factor all over the world. As a consequence the birthday of the sovereign will be celebrated at even the remotest corners of the globe on Monday, as the German ranks second to none in patriotism and loyalty to his country and his ruler.