Home Rula Repubalika, Volume I, Number 3, 9 November 1901 — Page 2 Advertisements Column 1 [ADVERTISEMENT]

P. O. Box 992 Tel. White 811 PfOJJG YUEfI HING GO. Tmportors and Dealers in Chinese Silks, Handkerchiefs, Grass Oloth, Matting, Fine Teas, Manila Cigars, GENEBAIj MISRCHANDISE.. 922 Nuuanu Stkebt, and 16 Hotel Street, Honolulu. Tel. No. 53 P. O. Box No. 222 King St., neab O. R. & L. Co., Depot 0&1T7 LTFMII® & BUXLDarOCO. LUMBEB HEROHAJSTTS CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS Importers and Dealers In Doors, Sash, Blinds; Paint, Oil find Builders' Hardware . Qfand OPENING CAMARINOS' Gambrinus Saloon Alakea St, mear KJng Everyt filing Very Toacihrirng Beaut-Pul garden scone containh coffoo troew in full bearing, bananas and pinoapples, all inside. EVERYBODY INVITED