Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 4, 1 February 1919 — TERRITORY OF HAWAII [ARTICLE]


lieaauKei'a Offict, Honolnhi, Ouhu lu rt> dissolution.of the Ilonokaa Wiue & Liquor Company, Liuuteu. V\ the Honokaa Wine & Liquor <'ompany, Lijiiited, a corporatioii <-stablisLed and cxisthjg undcr and by virtue of *the laws of the Termur\ <jf lluwaii ? has pursuuiU tw luw 4 - in such ciu>e<s uiad<* aud provide<i, dulj fiU>d iu thb ofliee a petition for Jlie uissolution of thf 'said corj>oration. togothes wifh n c(Ttifivate thereto annexed :is <] hy hiw. Xuu, ilk:rvtoie, nutice is hei"eby giv*.'u «D\ aiid ail persous thut iw?* V'eit or are iww iutoreated in auy uia»uer whatio»iver m the s«id <'or]wratirt, # tlis»r ?i> t}, o grami{jg ot the said i>etitiou uuist bc ftled in this» offici' 0 r Wfoiv 12 o'elook īioon of A"pril Tih t aud Oiat !Uiv or i.fisoiit« desiriug iw be heard ilu-mm imw Ī M . in atto)tnauco ;u the ī lii*: \indorsigiied, in thv i£xecutiAcl Butldiug, Houolulu, at l-> uwu oi said day, to aliuw eause, il*' t»ny, wUy saui }H'tition shonld uot V)F.T.BKKT K. >iE'l7.(U;n. Trvasmvi. Territor\ of 11 a;' uO, IiUS.