Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 23, 27 June 1919 — The NEw Freed [ARTICLE]

The NEw Freed

Quite & fute lft b4ing made over th e f < 1 Fed«ration ot L)l|j9r,Aßd recent report s ilt £ ' A. F. of L. lw,s (i tS etaf^' 1 fl tHat {He A. F. L. ahouleii have so" mueh to v iv uiß . - * u **" w4 w- i"" ' * * iaAtter, and yet remaw ao|trangely aikni lllcer V barities and outrages being committ€d upoi, th e reanB by the Oena«yaiaed Japaiiese ruleii, u t .> ! ® little couatxy. Ulat M We do not read anywhere uowadays ti ial , h M ehildren of are herded iiuo chuit:h(N . '? S the churches then being»et in Aamea; UO r iU, We K fm Pohtical priaojaers m being tak W) „ ut and Uiea ahot; jio we read of anvp 9 the English goVernment that in ten y K u 5 I wili be prohibited in Irelmid. No, [•},' ,■ all beea doile openly in Korea, and a slaughter has beea tionducted by Japau a -m t r fV and Kore W Yet, so far, we jt rĒ out of the mou|hs of these Überty-loving a h' o f7« against the Japan. The deWat<V.,Jtß un pie Mng th P c Pl "■ sent them to the^nH*tioo,aittl«, we , hl ,, 3istent howl the of Ireknd. ' * It is qulte unnecessary here to enter im u onv J to whether Ireland shouJd ot ahould i lo t ha\ e I,JĒ doubt the Irish peojple, witk the assistancf of thp nfl ernment, ean settle that matter to their muiual' M wxthout any assistance from the A. F. of L]t J ordinary, however, that this American hi-1, eouii'nf Z aiuaety to make itself heard, should ,cop ut straw!l over bundlee; should ignore the pitiful sacrifi w . y f J altar of Japaneae greed, and ,the ruthlea, xia ? Jm Koreajis, tm» jnaku. g w mueh. w&at reafly arnounta to a domestic .s ti uahh! e m th Kingdom. , 111 American labor,.,tlu-ou*h the A. i'. u ( L. i, as to souud a note of w«tuing that wUI make J a pan eea. ouliMwiaKo™. w,, m hv ~? Mdgeae r &U°ri when we Me our brothe, s k« TO 5 wholeeale bloodshed and murder should m,t IO L »ems apparent that diplpmacy «nd expediei,cv mll Koreancase from bemg con»dered at the l'am eoniU *£* appear th.t hope „f sah a«, ™ aetion by the workera of the wbrld. i«J^J S .'T g p«w*uted, and Korea„ s alc W „. tered whokeale heeaw they are ChrūUa., B a„,l i„ V e( rfeaJs. beeauae »hey love liberty, and w a „t the ri*ht t , they attempt t0 aa «* 11191 ' myjanaer iapan u to be a!lowed to wl L , »"«aPtßd extermi,iatio,i „f ( hiisti Korea. MakiM the warld safe for demomn " «iU i bea gha,Uy joke 0« thepartof Mr. Wihon an"d of 4, ™f„ln lC 10 CoBti ° Ue her » » tion W s,ght 0 f that th« J ; ', S f ? lli : U » for "> e and oniv r, a™ (3 thfSdW ," 0t^ enough or tl „.=c , lumself to •» m«le thf «„al uf by w t ™J a!tOTB U wl >om crookedm-« .-"«J Z1 th ,° attorney -general s uc ra!s i!; adeaual« Sjg H**** they eenai,.!,- sl«ld|