Ke Aloha Aina, Volume XXXIV, Number 30, 15 August 1919 — The New Free [ARTICLE]

The New Free

h Sedfetary C>anieis* Vls^H f A» part of the mteTtfttoeiit to be jof ifas Navy Daniels when that esteemed jfchreatesed visit to these hospitable shqres, woulii |good idea tocut out, paste in a book and preaeuit niee (?} thmgs whieh the Advertiser has said, the past two ot three ypars? For this reason: represents Uie publie opinion of this Tenitory (at thia modest elaim a few days ago), and so by Advertiser's criticisma of Mr. DaAiel& into a book, know just what the peopV of Hawaii tiink about naval administratioiv Of eourse, it would taku a gall to hand our gue£t eueh a hook, but t,hen, has an inexhau&tible supply of the biliary article, need be expeeted on that scoiu Probably, howeyer, as often happons, Ihe not really meaii all the naughty things it said about and ean blame the heat "and stress of wartime as its abuse of the Navaī Secretary. This ig the view, perfiaps, to take, so let us take it, let bygones and uniie in to a real do everythjng in our powēr to'make his short pleasant and delightful as it can poBsibly be made. Morriirs Book H "'Kev/' G. L. Mowll, pastor of the People'a neapoli», Mmn,, apparently believes that the mankind is man, aucf SP, as a result of hia recent lovely isles, has set forth liis unpressipns in a ,book published, entitled << j(iawaiian Healhen and Otliers»" kn<#v just what those impressio,us""&re>_ not having yot copy of the book, but inferentially, auct judging of contents, it would seom that Mr. MjyrriU considers low-do'wn lot of people, and also that tlie here many years were so maiiy lecherous rascals more by the attractions of the "dusky ]Eves" of by any desire to the gospel. To elineli tliis Mr. Morrill's/ his circular im 3Justration Hawaiian girl (who is pretty well kiiown around even the usual fig-leaf adornment, and with the the Missionaries Came to Hawaii f '. If Morrill same kind of a quest he apparently got what he was ■ There is no need, however, to flare up over the similar pleasautries of Mr, Morrill's. Indeed, it wouldlJH to do so until after one has read his book; and after suH ing it i»ay appear as if Mr. Morrill's castigation of tory and ita pe©ple, past, present andiuture, may be prej|H medicine, even if it only haJ.f truth ( and we ean swallowing it. For it often happena that our most sincej|H are those who bluntly point oMt to us our faults and whish we ourselves rhay have been entirely oblivious. pf the proper mental caliber we wŪI recōgnize thē criticism when it is deserved, and refonn ourse!ves, rather than abuse and denounce those who justly (*ritici^B We Buppose the early missionaries to Hawaii like niost people; still, to publish such a photograph aalH Monill's book, leaves a rather bad taste in one's neer missionary workers in all parts of the world andH timeshavehad to contend with the white trader, the white man's evil. habits and permeated with all tijfl man's diseaseg; Mr. Morrill probably knew this to before he eame to Hawaii anel unearthed the book. The trader always has dogged the footsteps of t sionary, for the country that.biecomes civili«ed offers a $ field for commercial exploitation, and the paissionaryj great civilizer. ' \ j As before stated, however, there, is no use in our worked up over Mr. MorriU's book. When the book if we find he has told the truth about us, let us refQ| gently suggest to Mr. MorrUl (via the Charaber of Comi the Ad Club) that it would be a good idea to. let the d§ bury its dead. On the other hand, if we find that he h fibbing about us in order to produce a book "hot'" euougl well, then, we cannot do mueh more than eall him short and ugly teim, and let it go at that. ' A Knoek Ōut The Board of Supervisors and Engineer John H. have won out in Judge de Bolt's court, in the matter of the tion souglit by 3treet Cleaner Vienlt, seeking to eompel IV! son, appareutly, to keep him & pennanejit fixture is\ i gmeer s departineut. A'ierra ! s actions would lead one to ' hef that he daiined # sort of iiiyine righfc to hold tlie, supcirintendent of street cleaning for Honolulu at a sa> ! approximately $180 a mouth, or as mueh more, within rea he ehoee tp it; m d tliat ueither,Mr. Wilson, the 84 pupervisors, nor all the devils in the bad plaee could s< him from it. Judge de Bolt, however # took a different view, and e that under all the circumstances the city and Mr. Wilsoq worry along without Vierras valuabW servkes, Vierra, i auanee of his theory that the city would "stop short never without his assistsace, establisSed a blockade of tl stables by placing the auto used by him at the ent4'ance Uie uew empk>yees of the road department showed up for„ however, VieiTa and Viei;ra's auto were quickl>' and rudely j 9Ut of the.way, tho blockade was brokeii, aud "buslness as i waa the ortler .of Uie day. , , „view. of tlie fact that lingineer W ilson has ab<3 job, and says that the Garbage Inspeotor ean ver take cate of it, it wouid seem that the money paiu to Viernj he took the position some years ago was money tlirown or, to be more correct, was money paid as a poiitical rewi ft workēi' by & llepuhlioan Board of i3uporvisp Tne job from whieh Vierra has been oust«d would apg have been one of many jobs created by the defunet Repu B°ards for political rewai\i t and whieli jobs the Denio ooard is now setting out to abolish in Uie iuterest of oeo awa efficiency. W hatever way the pending injunetion suit goes, it w 1 a > \iiitil tliose obstructionist Republicans a nioved froiu offiee, &nd tlie heads of deparUnents K» enaW go aliead with Uie routine work of Uiek te4>eetive officess t "Oia