Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 1, 4 May 1933 — FLOWERS 'GROWN' IN A DAY, MOVIES [ARTICLE]


Rhododendrons, roses, thor.ny eaeU, fruite, stately grow in half & day ia a movie flower ial>oratory. 3teve MeDoaald, plaiit ejīp«rt. developed tJie process of buildln£ realistic plants aii3 fruits quicker than a flc«rtst could cut and deliv«?r frs«ii iwoduct«—and at eaietwentletJi ttie Cost. With a pbt of paste and a spāmung wheel, McDonald takes steel wires, tissue paper, rubberized eoLion, silk and ftne threads and creates plants and blossoms to order. Oto the screen, no one ean distingni&i them from aetual flowers. These flowers ha\e great durabillty, and will last three or four years. -} 5 .5.M. ______— 11-P<wnd Rndtoph<.mc ier An unu.sually eimipael radiyphone lnin«iilttcr welshins U Poand§ s luas be<?n developed fv>r smail planes by eiigmeerMSf 11} t teīephoiie laboratories. Wiīii ,this a pilot mai' eaU &irs»rt and ask the eouail lon of tlie field. direction and velocity of the wiud, and what oixstructioi}js inWrfere with landing. Tbt tra!\smitter ha£ a ranse of 30 to 1 40 miles,—PJsAt I 15,m We*Oier T«rm& Fiftcen thou&uid we*Ui<«: ter'-,is liave been coiui>ile\,i bi Uie V S. \Veather Burvau TLq iyoluo.e 500 nam«<s *i4i4s |0 lor hurrk'suieis. P.SJM.