Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume VI, Number 2, 11 May 1933 — USE LIQUID AIR TO ASSEMBLE MOTOR [ARTICLE]


Liquid air has been pressed into service by airplane engine makers. in assembling an ehgine, it is necessary to insert a palr of vab'e seats—two-inch rings of aluminum bronze—-in eaeh cylinder head, To get a tight fit, holes for the rlngs are now bored exactly eight one-thousandths of an ineh undersize in the cyl!nder head. It is then espanded in ā tank of boiling water. Meanwftile the valve seats are shrun& by chilling in a wobden box filled with liquid air. Chllling and heating eliminate the sise discrepancy arsd ītttle pressure ls needel to force the parts together. At nomial temperature, thfey are as tight as if fused gether with the result that they give a hlghly satisfactor>* serviee.