Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 22, 10 September 1936 — EXPERIENCE FITS LOUIS V. CADINHA FOR TREASURER Long Service In Financial, Business Matters Basis Of His Campaign [ARTICLE+ILLUSTRATION]


Long Service In Financial, Business Matters Basis Of His Campaign

With a record of 15 years of suecess in the fina'neial, eommereial and civie life of Haw&ii, Louis V. Cadinha has been prevaiied upon to make the race for the second time for the position of Gity and County Treasurer, in the expectation that he wili complete the Democratic "Four Horsemen" of the next munieipal adminis'tration— Paeheeo, Mayor; Heen, Clerk, and Mmm?) Auditor. From one of the Territory's great sectibns of cohcentrated sugar production ,to a position of business success in Honolulu sums up the story of Candmhā's 36 years, for he was born at Ninole, Hawaii, on Augxist 12, 1900, the son of Manuel R. and Getrude <Vieira) Cadinha. After receiving his educatiion

For Treasurer

in ttie public schools on Hawaii, he was gracluated £rom the Hilo liigh scbqoi. in 1921. He became bookkeeper for the Wailea Milling Co. ; Ltd'., on Hawaii, and on August 1, 1923, he became cashter and ehieī accountant of the Union Trust ,Co., Ltd., in Honoluiu. he was assistant treasurer of the Union Trust Co.. the Honolulu Finahce & Thrift Co, Ltd,, and the Union Mortgagc and Guaranty Co. ( Ltd, ; Served In City Position Meanwhile ?ie had entered public as chief clerk of tfee bureau d| road maintenance of the city ārid county. At preserit Cadinha is president of the C. & D, Dress Co., Ltd. ; operators of the New York Dress Shop.. whieh he organized. With this varied experience in linaneial matters, accountc mg, taxation. and business, Cadinha is eonsidered to be extrejnely well fitted for the posrtion of munieipal treasurer. He promises to inake an aggressive eampaian, centering on suggested reforms and improvements in the methods of eonducting the city and county treasury mm tlie primary purpose of iendering greater servlee to the ;īesidents vi pf Oahu. the aatīon," CadinS& declares. "yoimg men with !trength of pnneiple, broad vision and armed with success in business life are being called into government service eonstant-ly, Here in Hawaii our eilv and county government ean be made a realitv of efiicinet> and serviee if youthful, forcefui, intelligent men art? given an opportunity to eoneentrate their powers aiul menta! resources in thc serviee of that govern"During Uie eanipaign I wili ouiiiiie tiu piooieau? confronting the mmueua! u. r's ol'fiee and i iu: ī'.kui} l ..»i ihat eould be renaeu-a w i,..i:umum ei.o v,a. v.„s anā tax- »- u «:.u eounty of jrionotu.m, >tnui b the Motl'.er of Suceess wili l>e my motto — juui sueeess !> t he niother oi' stiU gTeater servke."

Oaolnha is a meml>er ot ttawaUan Trilv No 1, Tmsr<tfe<J Order o' Kedm<?n; St Antoi}!p aiul Lusitana societWs; St. Alumni thf |£|- wail chapUr ; l Kalional AssoQ&tion <?f Cost Aocom\tAnU.