Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 23, 17 September 1936 — "Remember Always We are Gentlemen"! [ARTICLE]

"Remember Always We are Gentlemen"!

The weakness of the Republican campaign in Hawaii is so patent to the most of the residents of Honolulu that it scarcely"merits mention-—except for severat glaring eiiamples jthat apparently are based upon the old advice— "Tf you can't sav anything good about yourself, abuse the other ■fellow—or steal his thunder, if you 'ean iffet awāy with it." īt is hard to understand the hy.steria with whieh Republicans in Hawaii—one of the most favored.portTons of tlie United States under the Roosevelt Administration— curse the Presdent with foul language such ashas perhaps never been equālle'd since the late Abraham Lulieoln was.made the target for a campaign of the lowest villification diu'ing the Civil War. This hatred, on the part ,of many. Republica»s, aP" proaching a mama that pa»s<;s all human iuaderstanding has heen explained by mainland ,psychol9j[ists on only one ground—President Roosevelt, by his d.ecisive and forceful actions htginniTj.g with the declaration of the now famous "Bank?ng Holiday," has struck at the very foundations oF the aristocracy and ,plutocracy whose members used to kid them«elve» that they—and they alone |as embodfied in the standpat Republican party—had the bralns necessary to rule the United Slates of Americeu This so-called aristoQracy and plutocracy fell down lamentabiy in the country—Hardiag wlth the oil shocked 'the nati(>n; Cal" Coolwho was so afraid of his shadow that he„did not dare tp venture an opinion on the shining of the sun; and Hapless TTerbert Hoover, whose ineptness, blund.ering, bungl«fforts tp protect at all co*sts the whīeh had brought about his, election had the country on the verge of revplution before he was justly repudiated at the polls! N"ationally the Republicans have no canjpaign is3ue, so they must descehd to villifying the one maa who aaved this country from the terrible fate that has befallen other nations In the wor!d in recent years! Here in Hawaii, in $ddition to abu«e„of s |he Prej|i4ent, the hatred of the rock-ribbed and hard-boiled Repablicans has taken another tack. The> have tried to Ste#l.the credit rightfully be!onging to the Deraocratic adminsstraiion in a fashion so brazen as to arouse doubt e.s wKether they are in their right «ense! At Kaneohe one night last w ?ek Senator Joseph R. Farrington, whp is not running for re-lection at this time, Ijsted the alleged and purported "accompliahments" of the Repuhliean party in Hawaii since 1934, in "a plank by pīank review" of that party's piatform. **The Republican party pledged the legislature to adopt polieiei whleh wOuld expedite the return of prospenty, rt chanted Senātor Farrington, who should have known better than to p!ace himself so far out on a limb. Several days prev!oū"sly, hidden away among t]ie wantads on page 17 of a 20-page edition of Senator Famngton's own newspaper, The appeared a certain story under the headiug,' M Territory Gets $22,860,000 in Federal F«nds. M īt read: Star-Bulletin 6ureau, Washington, $ept, 3-— Federal emei*gency funds a!lotted to Hawaii ,during the 1936 fiscal period tota!led more thari $22,§00,00, lat» est govemmenl report# revealed today. Tlife breakdown h as follows: FERA, $2,462,537. PWA, $3,743,394. AAA payTnents (to members of the Hawaiian Sugar Planters* Association), $13!»323,861. Miscellaneous direct payments, $958,581. Highway aid and develo|>meni, $2,091,283. Emergency crop loan*, $14,692. HOLC loans, $232,445. The total of the foregoing a!lotraenis is $22,826*000, Hawaii*s FERA has been transferred to a WPA basis and Washlngtonbas indicated that a tot&I of $1,800,000 1 wi! be a!!otted for work relief activities during the six 1 months beginning last August 1, &nd a like amount for ' the remaining slx m<?ttths' Some of the firSt months* period money has already been made availafcie. That is taken verbatim from the columns of s§nator Farrington's own newspaper, hidden away as it waa! "The Republican paHy pledgīS the legLsla(ure to adopl polic?os whieh woul.d expedite the return of prosperity " Since when has the Rep;iblcan-controlled legislature of Hawaii «m- any other legislatiue or any Congress of thc Im ted been ab!e—through legislation—"io expedīte progperity M ? They ean do that at txactiy precise m.oment when they repeal—effective 1} —the well known law of $opply and demand ! The Hapless Hoover tried it by coyly mritmg Miss Prosperity to eome M around the corner" for a lUtle Oixtalion, Every time he tr!ed it and īaaade puhlle annoimeement of hi» effort», the stock markeU took dives: more and more banks cras3sed «xound the ears of rumed d?pOsitoi s, niore a&d more buimeu£t closed their doors in banki uptcy, and the Uaited S tat e » of Amenea went one more step towar4 tbe briiik of diaa»ter.

.The Eepublicap legislatare foHowing oui, their form, legiglate<i y*osperity back to Hawaii, 'according to' Senator Farrington. We woul4 ] ask Farrington and some of, the Kepublican candidatēs *who.feel that they must iake| oaths to remember always that tliey are' American citLzens and "frentlemen," where this Territory would be today if it had not been for the $23,000,000'that were jioured into these Islands in.the past year Sn emergēncy allotments from the Roosevelt Administration—exclusive of the enormous sums spent"in the oxdinury maintenace % of the army, navy and other fe.deral departments? Wou|d this Territory be in its present; state. of high prosperity? Woald the "five great sugar agencies, the p,iantations whieh they represent, and the pineapple eompanies be paying,their regular, extra and special dividends as at present? -;Would the stoi|eis ancLnxercantile establishments~~wholesale, and retall—be renjQying their present good busin,ess? The answer, of course, is "NO"— and the R.§publicans know it! T.hat $23,000,000, ppured. into Hawaii by President Roo#eveies admi*ustratipn iri,the past year t rep|-esents ; , $57.50 for every man, ia this Territory on, Uīe a»Bumptīon that the Islanda have a population of 400,000 per»onsī And a member of the Re.publican-controlled legislature has the to stand up before the people of this Territory and declare—in all SAn?.Qriiy,and with a straight ,face —that the Legislature legislated prosperity back to, Hawaii! I īn one of his inspired pre-campaign speeches Mayor' Wright had the supreme effrontery to list a number of= pu"blic improvement<3 to whiehlie pointed with great pride as visible āccomptishments of'hfs ciirrent—and last—administration! Every one of the projects so listed was an of the Federal Emergencv' Relief Administration—now the Works Progress Adm'inistration—financed and directed from Washington by the administration ōf President Roosevelt! tti# Honor's theft of rightful credit became so raw that, in »elf-defense, the Washington headquarters of the Works Progress Adm|n!stration ord*ered Frank H. Locey, Territorial adm!nistrator, to have placed upon every WPA project in Hawaii the Red, White and B!ue o?ficial insignia df the organization, so that the people nught know wf.o really was doing the excelīent work for whieh the***Yrigbt gang" was trying to steal the credit! īt would appear as though some of the Hepublican eandidates and leaders should take another oath—via radio —'"to remember always that I ani a'.gentleman"— for "gentlemen" do not steal, nor do they misrepresent! ! =—oOo— 4