Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 23, 17 September 1936 — Noa Aluli Pinch-Hits For Bert Rivenburgh From Honolulu Stump [ARTICLE]

Noa Aluli Pinch-Hits For Bert Rivenburgh From Honolulu Stump

Noa W. Aluli has withdrawn from the race for the Democratic nomination for Delegate to Congress from Hawaii, but he most decidedly has not withdrawn from the campaign to assist the "Forgotten Man" of the Territory, on which he had planned to conduct his primary fight.

This is proved by the fact that, while Bertram G. Rivenburgh, on whose behalf Aluli withdrew from the primary contest because of his desire to avoid a fight in the Democratic ranks, is absent on the other islands, Aluli is conducting a strenuous campaign on Oahu in Rivenburgh's behalf. Aluli, close friend' and long associate of the late great Prince Jonah Kuhio Kalanianaole, planned tb make his campaign for the delegateship nomination on a platform demanding reform of the Hawaiian Homes Commission and real rehabilitation of the fast - vanishing Hawaiian race. In appearing on Rivenburgh's behalf, Aluli is telling his Honolulu audiences that: "Rivenburgh Wel! Known" You all know Mr. Rivenburgh —known to us as "Bert Rivenburgh"—the Bert who was Mayor Joe Fern's secretary, the Bert who was Territorial Land Commissioner for many years. My friends, Bert knows the duties of the Delegate, for he was secfetary to Kuhlo and to Bill Jarrett. Yes, Kuhio, using the name alohaly, had two Demcerats as his secretaries— Kuhio, the Repulican had the Democrat, Bert Rivenburgh, in Washington, and the Democrat, Noa Aluli, here In Honolulu. Kuhio trusted Bert by having him as his secretary in Washington--surely, we all, especially Republicans, can trust Bert and vote for him at the coming election. Friend Bert said to me:, "Noa, you folks, the native Hawaiians have the Hawaiian Homes Act--where any of our native group wanting homes may get homes for one dollar a year for not less than 70 years, with or without taxes--you good folks are provided for, and the reason why only a very few are securing homes is because it is not run properly and there is not enough money. Now, under the Resettlement plan of the New Deal, all the people in Hawaii who want homes can get tehm at very low prices and on long term payments. So, you talk 'New Deal Homes, 'talk nothing but 'New Deal Homes' for me, until I get back next week. Mr. King cannot get 'Homes' for the people of Hawaii under the New Deal Resettlement propositionn because the Democrat in Washington do not trust Republicans." So, Friends, speaking for Bert, I am here to talk on, "New Deal Homes"-- that you can get homes for almost nothing a year. Fight Always For Homes My Friends. the fights of the world have been by the poor the homeless, far homes. The desire, longing, that is in the heart of every man and women to own her own home, is natural. The rich mush not be the only home owners. In Ireland the government is building homes, providing little farms and selling them to the people for one-half the cost, at a very low rate of interest and for terms as long as from 30 to 40 years. Subsistence farming is the big thing on the Mainland, because a family with a home, a small space to plant vegetables, will be abel to fight depression better because there is no rent to pay and something to eat

alway& be grown. Aiid so/~t&&J" rt resettleirleiit'' idea of' 1toosevelt's, of the New Deāl, ol famiii«s getting their hom«s, tsams, paying for ma.ny years at a. very low rate M 1Xiterest, 1$ takinjg root on īn ray ~ r " lt hōm% to our Verv āoom, H " ■ 1f we had this resettlanent propoaiUon of. Presi<ient Roosevelt's Uere m. Hawaii, those people who t leased lots on the makai slde ōf ' the 5Pearl Haxbor road, Just bef<we rekcīiMg Jo!m Rodgers AIrport, instead of being merely ienanw; with nothing but re~ceīpt& to show Xor at the end of 30 years> would be owners under ttie "Resettlement" Proposlt1o*ri M &f the New Deal and would have *te«ds, not reeeipts. &. O. P. Jdel«gaie Helpless . Bert told me emphasize the appeals the 1ftegubTicans were makingVhen "#asliington had Hepuhliean Administpati(ms—that Hawaii should |Sen<i a īlepuhiiean De£egate be- v |cause Republican don't try|t Democrats. Yoti, all of us, likve 'heard the R«publicans sav !t— fl feave heard Kuhio say, chiring f£beWiison Administration: "I i might just as well stay home be!eause I wbn't get a darn thing the Democrats " * f My Friends, Wgli»nlng w1th ' 'Ja«ttary of next yestr, the adiHalnistration in Washingt6n «wili be Demo<iratic, for you and I aie weli aware the people on the Mainlanā are not go!ng to forget to vote for fhe ldmfnistrat!on wh?ch liept * thefr sonis and bodies together durioi 4he past thr|e years, .When the Demoerats $re„ firmly sett!ed ītī "Washingtfln for the ' fonr vears, no ithea, party pMKieal lines wiS drawn verj Ufht bj tiie Cemocratic Washu*gton . ministration as the Repu.Tj|i<;ans have ptayefl potlt!es," ' Hawail wi» n«t fet a thlng ; {f ; we elect a Reptiblican delegate. Poindexter Gets AUotments Prie»ds, it, took tw% trips to Washington by Governor foindexter and one trip by Fr&rik 11 locey to get the mo«ey we, the poor. the laborers, sorely needed lo keep our souls and bodies together. Ag&ia, I repeat, when things have settfed down f when_ J the Democrati'c 'Party has another four years T term ; dep*es«ioa *pau , we wili be in pil&i» i£ we aoa"t send & delegate- to Congress. The Territory of Hawal! should u Republican to Oc«igTess, fōr we will surely get short end oi tiie iuek"—you know Oī 5 " . S4iii kno*-$ it. have to send a Democrattc Defe- f gate to Washtogton if we Vant help. assistance. kokua, recogOition, My Friends, Pr«ssident Roosev<3ii, Uie Deai is not |Aipule for providing * us wilh Homes. Frlends, ?.fr, T5ivenbnrgh is t3he only one Who will get the homes for us from the neoct- Democratic Nauonai AdmjUustra.āon. Vote for aim as weil as all the rest of the good Democrats on our ticket. sav!ngs banfc deposlts show increase, total over ten biluon <*oii&rs—-only ten niilllon short ot the all-iime record. Many more slmilar items appear r>n the ftnaY»c!Rl pa?es—to the ?ra.t3ficatlon of aīl who wcmld iiiee defimiely 10 bury Uie deand u> s.he disiuājf of those who prefer to bury tne c?pprcs?1c« Aoc\or who the —AtJantlf Clty Pr«iS. (Ind.) CoL K4kmc is pruna»ing A mirAcuious Utopia* while in anot|ier corner hSs polUioa! aK!ēs «e ri«i!cul!ng Fresident "Rooscvp|t as <*» impractlcal dreamer * The truth is that Uie PresJdent his £uuggicu wUh our problea»s step by step."—Kewark Iedger. "Ask a»y farnier to emiHiW Ihe *gricultural pollcie§ of the lnst Ihw Hepubllcan • lulmihWUnUou». v*Ui h«ve « h*r4 Un\f ... romoir.ber!r,£, whothcr they acthad anv agrUmtiural potiws."—*>rt W»yne Joumal Gs« •ene. retuni to the po!lcy of Hoover &nd Coolidge whleh^*^ pla?n*y 5mpMed pn L&vdon*$ »c- ' ceptar . c v <\h 1? cerT.Aln!y uo basis for oamp<kifi\ for tlie Fredld«jDK3T ojf . the Um|jed SUt<?s under condlttons in thls eo\mtayv *tecttoa of Mr. Hoosevelt $lt a t*pu<natt<m of tht9e £ot(tn<4 V'