Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 26, 8 October 1936 — Republican Contends All Farm Legislation "Irritated" Landon [ARTICLE]

Republican Contends All Farm Legislation "Irritated" Landon

According to old line Republiean members of the Kansas legislature charged with the responsibility of endeavoring to secure farm legislation during the depression years, Gov. AJf M. Landon has never cooperated with the strong agricultural elements for whieh Kansas has been famous for half a century.

Typical of several similar disclosurefe while the Res|.ibUcan Presidential nominee was "studying the situation" during the jtliree months that elapsed from jhis nomination to his first declaration on the subject of a farm policy, and especially since hls | speech afc Des Moines, is a sign|ed statement from Don Fossey, represent«tive for years from Reno oounty t Kansas, whieh apl>eared in the Wlchita Eagle, (Ind.) of September 25, as follows: **tt has a!ways been mv eonv!ction th'at any leglslation designed to help the farmer was more or less irr!tattng to the Gorernor. In the !ast sessioīi ef thf Kansas legls!aturc the agricultural bil!s werc practtcally ki!lcd 1« the I,andon eontro!ted Senatc by the simpte method of permittlng them to die on the Senatc ca!endar. "For 1S years both parties havc prom!sed us an eQual opportunity w!th tndustry, but lt seems that at! Interest tn t!ie farmer vras lost foHowing the eo«ntlnf of the. ballots The pre-

sent a&tidQ&l &4mij\istra(loa has madf &n eaftiest ie corrcct * SWMB* out IHs I a*> noi Mr. Undon will stcure i*Jtm v«tes bv ridiculin4 our p*«s«at »|;rkulturai Uwi, whk& wer<> 4rafted thc Lirmers A.ud nttioßsl fa.rm organiiAtioas.**

A v?ter&n KepuKiean tor A and promlr.fīit famier of Ihe State. Mr. Fosses' has held r*sponsible ions m th<? Kansas Mouse, «moiig thtrm «p<?aker pro ten, chairmft« of iht OommUtot> on Live SUvk t Vice ehai?man o? the CorAniUtee or, \griT*resS<S<?Ttt of th« «wmiWs lf*|rtslatiw Club. H« is * Cor re~<?leciīvHi on Uy» ii«4>«biiCAll Us&ek