Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 27, 15 October 1936 — Editorial Comments [ARTICLE]

Editorial Comments

-wv.y how b the Social sVcurity ;ict *unworkable,* as chargcd by the Republican platform xnd Gov. Landon in Ihis aeeeplanee speech? Neither at Clevelanti nor in Topeka was a sir.glo retison advaneed, nor even an excuse offered.'*— Ownesboro Messcngcr. CT*em.) K Col. Knox offers not 'an American system' but rather a still piiotogruph of tho .\:nerioan systc:r. .;s It was hofo-;o modorn īnd\istry so pro?oundlv af?eeted lt. A system is a mefhod or plan of operation A system e?mnot confused with a pioture of arrested c!evelopn\ent. The New Dcol ts nothing nioro nor less tlian Col Knox's 'Ameiiean system brousht up date."—N>w&rfc Ledjer. Und.l