Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 29, 27 October 1936 — Editorial Comments [ARTICLE]

Editorial Comments

On]y a few days after Mr. Walter Lippmann eame out in the New York Herald-Tribune ior Gov. Alf M. Landon he was constramed \o say iri his eolumn in the orthodox 01d Guard publication Sept. 29: "It is to be hoped that Gov. Landon will pause long enough in his campaign to realize what has happened since ; his Minneapolis speech. That speech would have been reactionary enough ,at any time, but at this partieular time it will be extremely disconcerting to many of those who wish him well. While he was getting so excited about the pieee of eheese and advocating a tariff policy patterned on the worst practices of the controlled European econom!cs, the agreement (between theUnited States, Great Britain and France for currency stabilization) was almost perfected whleh makes that kind of agitation flagrantly out of date in all the leading eounferies of the world. "The govenior missed :he boat that time a»d has done himself a lot of damage whleh :t will not be sō ēasy to repalr." That*s all; there isn't any |more, It does not sound as tho*ugh Mr. Lippmann was deriving any saccharihe satisfaction from his new allegiance. ! ■ ' - ■' ■ "If Mr. Roosevelt had been handed over a state of afafirs equal to any extent to that whieh existed when CaMn Coolidge was President, he would have been wrong, lndeed, to have increasea taxea. Keep the record 3traight and above all give the Hoover figure3 In ahy comparlson. — Lexington Iferald. (Dem.) Uncotiscious Irony "Governor Landon's 'farm pro- ; gram/ if put into effect, would infallibly swell Pederal appropri- 1 ations and increase the deficit. This is what makes the Govern- ; or's final plea for economy, for ; reduced taxes and for cutting j down the publlc debt seem very mueh like a pieee of unconscious irony."—New loik Times. (Ind.) "The report that Herbert Hoover wlll' stump for Gov, Landon will be glorious news to all who realize the great need for eontinuing Roosevelt in the Presidency."—Wheeling News Register. (Ind.) "The straw men set up by the GOP to fight President Roosevelt are obviously made of the grass that grew in the streets when Hoover failed for re-election — both are fraudulent."~Columbia State. (.Dem.) "The violence ot tfce GOP crlticism merely accentuates the fact that Roosevelt has stood between the extremlsts of both the fascist upper classes and the communistic. lpwer dasses ajid kepl this Nation in halanee," Sicnix City Tribune. (Ind,) "Joseph P. Kennedy, hlmself a nan of great wealth and recogaised financial exyert' who orjaiii2ed the Seeunties aud Exihange Commisslm Pnlly. expc«es the hollow iinanUal an<i fiscal ballyhoo of tlve iH>P in hts new book 'I'm for Roosevelt*,"—Ft. Wa.vne loumal