Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 29, 27 October 1936 — Landon Violating Coolidge Statute In Tax Arguments [ARTICLE]

Landon Violating Coolidge Statute In Tax Arguments

In his speech on Federal Gov-; emment Waste and Taxes at ■ -Buffalo, Qov. Alf M. Landon as-1 serte<l that "two cents of the cost of every loaf of bread eonsists of taxes" and he made a l«bored attempt to create the lmpression that ali of the varie- i ties of tax involved were in some| round about way levied by or| payable to the Pederal govern- i ment. i Now the Republican National Ocamnittee is making a natīonwide distribution of a l p aflet, the original ordey for whieh is said to have been teti million, entitled "Heres th« Bad News." It mentions Presldent Roosevelt by name as "re§poiiable" tor ihe "taxes oh bread" and pictures "one-third of the price of every loaf as ;covered by 58 (separate and distinct) taxes." This veird compilation appeared originally in Thc SaturJSvenint P«wl» bilt«r critic o! the Rooserelt Administration, but that publication was honeal cnough to show, (thougli noae too graphically\, that of all tlie taxes mentloned. only two are Federal taxes, or could possibly be. namely the ineome tax and the excess proflts 'tax. The others are ,taxes on loeal real estote, franchise or Ucense of manufucturtr- v,holcsale and retailers ( personal property, school, road, bridge and all other existing or conctnable SUte, county and muiileipai levics, witk noue ol wlueh Uie &aoseveit Adniiuij;truuo}i h&s auythiu£ to do. Tet the G.O.P. leaflet oi*eiily blame£ thc President aud tke e***rā ts sicuifkaiLl for the reasou that a Republi,tim aud a Kepubiican Seaa.te iu euacted a law whieh a Repu]»lk*u ?resideut, Calviu CooUdce, promptly sigaed that covers Oie case . This Pederal statute inakes it a mis4emeanor to utter or clrculate Mīy statcsieut m eouueelion \vltli sale "ir,tended or eal-culau-d to lead any pei-son to beUiat «ui* pajft o£ Oj.e peiee

Ul whieh aueii anieūe 3-s SOi<i or | leased • * ♦ eaaaists ol a tnx imu;idor Uie o£ Uie l*r.ited SU;a or Aisaīl3ißi a particular pan oi suc& pnee to a ;:;ti>o£cd u;;ō.cr u;c aullioii'o ct ihe i:;u;-cd kue^u^ :1:a: iueh i& lalae or :ha; Uie ta\ uol so * * lu ius &iKiN:ii ai acwptAiiee *t Topetaw Qov, Landon vowed «wre wouiei be "iio eag*«e<i m" suid "truifa wou!d tx? *«LUet*xl to." Hew is couaidemb\e |oi boUx iUid &iso Q;c plain viola|uon of a sacrt>d Old Quard KePeeeiui ;&sv.