Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 29, 27 October 1936 — FARLEY RECOGNIZES VETERANS' INTEREST IN FDR'S CAMPAIGN [ARTICLE]


Chairtnan James A. Farley of tlae Democratic NaUonal Oommittee has announced the appointment of Louis A. Johnson of Clarksburg, West Yirgiiiia, Past National Conunander o£ the American Legion ; as Chairman of the Veterans' Advisory Committee for the Democratic National Campaign Committee. Johnson at the same time aunounced the foHowing members oT his Committee:— Alfred J. Kennedy, gp»nteh War Veterans, New York. Joe McQueen. Past National Commander f Disabled Ameriean Veterans, Kansas City, Ph?l Dodson. Past Department Commander. The American Legion, Los Angeles, Callfomia. ■ Leo M, Har!o>w, Past Depart- ' ment Comxnar;der, The f American Leflon, 60 State I Street, Boston, MassachuI sett& | Paul O Wolman, Fast NaUon- | al Commander, Veterans of Ft>petgn Wars, Baltimore, Maryland. Joseph Mayor of Porlland; Portland. Oregon. Se©t* W. Lucas. Past National JFudfe Advocate, The Ameriean Legion> Member of Ooi;»ress, Havana, IHinoia, J«dge Leon McC-ord, Past Commander in Chief, Spanish War Veterans, Montgo»«y. AlsO»ma. R Kinder, Past Departmmt Coß\mander. An\erlcan l*«rton. Lineom, Nebrasfca