Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 31, 5 November 1936 — "REAL DEMOCRAT" ANALYZES HAWAII ELECTION [ARTICLE]


Ēditor ( The Hawaii Democrat: In the United States mainlandj the nation has spoken, whlle in Hawaii, fche Territory has also spoke.n very decisivelv. President Rooseveit won the most overwhelming victory in the history of America, and he deserved ii. What happened in Hawaii? Here it was a comp!te repudiatlon of our Governor, Senator-elect Beebe ran on a platform "to cut Poindexter's throat and to laugh at him." He won by a very handsome maJor!ty, Candldste Charlie Rose t veteran of many previous campaigns, championed the eause of the Governor, and was ignominously defeated with 11,500 votes to the 16,700 accumulated by Beebe. On Oahu, stronghold of ihe Deirfocrais, we were lucky even to win 1 senatorship, whereas four years ago, we got all three. Campaign orators were pleading for a control of the Legislature, but the eleetorate did not see fit to elect a Legislature favorable to the Governor. In electing Eugene Beebe, they knew that he wou!d be ioade Chairnxan of the important judiciary committee to displace Judge William H. Heen, a supporter of Governor Poindexter, Even George Denison f Rep,, and WUlie Cro?ier ; a man wlthout a party, were ahead of Poindexter's champions, and so the yerdict was very strong against him. In the 4th District, the Democrats> m the I ist two e!ections were able to win 1 seat but this yēar, Wooiiey. a bitter critic of the Governor, receeived over 12,000 votes agamst 7,500 for MeEuen, lugh man of the Democrats. It was a rout for Poindext-er, because almost 3 years ago, it was these same people vho prom!sed to give their support to hlm when he wās se3ected Governor by the President, What a change of heart! In Uie FiXth District, the Democmts swept in all the 6 Hepresentatives 4 years ago, and this year, the 2 veterans, George Holt and Tew Char, had to fight Ilfe Heli to get in. The 4 Republicans elected from that district are all corporation men and were put in offlce bv Mayor Fred Wright, who publicly armounced that he would put Governor Poindexter and hls party Ink) misery, On the Island of Maui, Clarence Crozier, a bitter enemy of the GQvernor. was elected to the Senate by the bigge<-t vote tliat island cou!d cast. That was an unmistakabie proof of a aesire to "cut the Governor's throat," On the Island of Mrs, Cunningham.Oem., was elected Senator because lhe Rej&iblican,s would not 1 have some one of their black sheep already 6wed by the Senate two years ago, ' If you want any more conclusive evidenc,e, nole what the voters did to poor Bert Rivenburgh ( who alao suffered because of the unpopularJty of the Governor. Why, Davīd Akana, Rep. Supervlsor and Francis Brown, Rep. Senator, polīed more votes on thls one Island f han Bert in all the 8 islands of the Territory! Yet the Governor was to have gone to Washipgton, D.C., 3 times to help get legislation through where Sam King, successful Delegate, was unable to obtain. A furt-her evidence of the discontent of the people was ahown" in the f tl » Lester Petrie, seasoned campaigner who was never onee defeated in all the years he ran for office, was just able to squee7e m as rlje seventh man on the Board o£ Supervisors. Mayor Wrigl»t never onee failed to announee the appointment of all of his kfy moPi, quite similar to his cabinet,' immediately after he assumed officp, and if Landon had been successful, Fred Wright, as Governor, would siirely know in 24 hours whom io appoini as his cabinet members and Fred would alai know whom lo put in as othfr uppointees in Uie Territorial Government. The present make-iip of the Governor*s subordinates is eom-

|posed £>f a greal nuny cut-throaU 4nd overmsht Dem{ocrats, who have never contilbuted anvthinji io the pa'rii' and do , not, now that they are tn. Governor Pōlndcxlcr, y o u wi be bur;evi by the HepuMiean aiui Speaker Viieusek o|Uie House, one o? ihe renresentatlves ef the eeouonū}; myalists wiil see to that, while Senfttor~elect Beebe, ano"lxer proJ;uiiced ex-1 ,porieat of organlzed we&lUi, wili rhiish the job ln the Opper eliaau- ' 3EAL