Ke Alakai o Hawaii, Volume IX, Number 31, 5 November 1936 — Governor Poindexter Regrets Territory's Reactionary Trends [ARTICLE]

Governor Poindexter Regrets Territory's Reactionary Trends

I The vote Tuesday demonstratied conclusively that the Ameriican people overwhelmingly apiprove and endorse President ißooseyelt and the New Deal. America now faces the future with confidence and renewed hope, for Man has triumphed over Mammon; organized greed has met its Waterloo. After the bitterest and most vitriolic campaign ever waged against a candiaate for the Presidency, Mr. Roosevelt lost oniy two smali states, Hawaii, voting Repnblican, will be classed on the mainland as against the policies of President Roo6evelt, along with Maine and Vermont, a smaii group indeed, as compared 10 the rest of the country whieh refused to follow candidate Landon in his efforts to return the Nation to the Hoover days and policies. It is regxettable that Hawaii has aligned hersel.f with this small min- _ ority-reactionary element of the country and is tHus out of step with the progressive forces of the Nation.