Ka Elele Poakolu, Volume I, Number 4, 29 September 1880 — NOTICE. [ARTICLE]


.€1VBS- ' B niuiee that nlie will not' be re8j)onsible for ony dcbt6cootiacted in lier nane, wt(liout hcr written ordcK<" '« , 'KAPIKA WAI,TRKS. ' _Uhal":i. 8ept. 25lh, 18H0. «&w sc26 3n> . N0TICE. ^ AGI. I*KUSONS AUK IIKItKBV KOItltTDDBN 1 to tr<!flpaiis oi) tli<; lar><] of Waikulu, Ihl«.n<] of Maui, aiu> ndJoliilng IiukIi); an<l aro uIho forl)l<l<lcn to flhoot, <iatch, or <lrlvo ofr any euUle, lunie or wllil, homim, Iiokh, lurUflyn, or fowln. A»iy penion or penioun no treHpa«i(lnK«wlll bo |)rouccut> <;<l uccordli)g to law. / KIIWIN .1 UNE8. I.ahaina, i!> i.L. /./,th, JB80. h<:26 '2m wAtB Notice of 8ale of the Kaumakapili Church 'i1"? WIIOM IT MA¥ €ONCKRN.--TIII6 ■ bu|l<lli)« iin abovn wlll lxi ofTercd for hh)« iiuiij<;<it to tl)« ■ ' iKlpulailon iiud t<:rrrifi iiel forth In a Hpeollleallon, <i<;Hcrlblng the <Ji:rriollBhlrig arid r<:moval <>f namo. l)p<«l(l<:«tlonH, ari<l al] olhcr mformatlrj)i lo be liail anil g lvcu ai th« ollien of tli« Ar(JJIAH. WAI.L, I f v'fi" , ,Miir«hant Ht. NOTICE TQ CONTEACTOEB. liK" »" ii«i»'ONA I.H Wlf.lj 1115 HK0I5IVMD f up to th« 16tli <|ay of Oe!&l)cr m:xt, for Ihe cr««tlom und <:otri|)l«tlon oHho Now Kaumakaplll Oliuhilw l'lami anil Hp<!«IIW;atlor)H may b« neen, nrid ful) lnforrrintlor> Ni. i» :\fcrr;harit litrc<:t. ' ■ All hUhi for tho ahovo (J«norll>cd work« ^honhl hv pnilomiui m <uch, itnd Hfldre«8«d fo Uie umiemlwmii, , \ " M. KUAKA, - " ' „ , OMoe of nm MlnlRter oi Hlmuwm Iho Uolldlu8 Comrnltiw renervw the Wght to rrje«t aU or ' ' iny I>J<1m, •* * Iiy Or<l«r of th« lIi]ilillng CoiriW)ltt(',« Kaumukuplll Oh«ro)i. •***» ■ , * , . V. i. WAP»